DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersA viewer asks: “Can Parkinson’s disease be healed, and if so, how?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
At the present time, the best thing you can do is use of the Lightworker Healing Protocol coupled with prayer, specifically asking for help with this condition on your own behalf and everything that is preventing speedy and effective divine healing. We have stated before that it is much easier to prevent infection by a virus than to cure it once the infection is established and has gained a foothold in the body. The reason for early intervention and prevention actually being more effective is that viruses are interlopers that do not belong in the human realm, so to remove them with any exposure can be highly effective through divine watch if that has been requested specifically to happen. Of course, this rarely occurs in today’s world but is possible for people who are aware of these simple truths. When people cannot fend off the organism themselves with their own energies and defenses, this is often because there is a weakened status of a karmic origin. This happens for many reasons and has many aspects and intricacies in considering the sum total of prior history and difficulties people are subjected to that conspire to reduce immunity and increase vulnerability to the ravages of pathogenic organisms. This is highly variable but like all karma of considerable significance, vulnerability to infection typically has a very deep and wide history in every individual given the many, many lives as a human being you have had and suffered such illnesses again and again and again, and in many cases dying young because of it. All of that karmic wounding poses a healing challenge even for the divine realm in a future setting of any kind when an infection gets going and symptoms appear. Such healing can take a considerable span of time given the great backlog of prior woundings and the interdependence of so many situations, times, circumstances, and other parties involved in influencing both the vulnerability and the outcome in adding to the difficulty at hand in a given instance. So that is a quite detailed and time-consuming endeavor to peel back all the many layers. This is doable, so again we do not want to discourage you in any way but only to help you understand that it is not an overnight process, but can take a considerable length of time. What this argues for is a concerted effort to carry out healing work and do repetitions to add as much additional intention to fixing the problem as is practical. Fervent prayer done on a daily basis will be of help, and again stating the desire for this to be cured and a full healing of all its consequences needs to be made explicit with a request to the divine. This can easily be added explicitly to the list of Creator’s Recommended Prayers. If you make the effort and keep at it, this will pay off.