DWQA QuestionsCategory: ReligionsA viewer asks: “I have been thinking about the meaning of the “four horsemen of the apocalypse” in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Is this a reference to the four races of extraterrestrials who have been harassing humanity? We have been told that these predictions can be averted if enough humans turn to Creator and ask for assistance in healing these interlopers. Is this a correct interpretation of this prophecy?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This indeed is accurate. You are providing the key interpretation in linking this ancient prophecy to the events of today. You indeed are in the end times, not that things will end with certainty, but that an ending is possible. To know who wants to see this happen, how they are manipulating you to weaken you, and how they will move forward to implement their dark plans, are central in responding effectively to the threat at hand and turning the tide in time to prevent that dark eventuality. People need to be awakened to the truth of things, that they are in the crosshairs and being lined up as sitting ducks to be mowed down by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. This symbolic prophecy does have true meaning for today. This eventuality has been a real possibility all the way along, and in fact has been forestalled again and again by the divine realm to redirect things, to misdirect your opposition, and stay their hand, for a time at least, while you are receiving some assistance and some strengthening as well, with the hope it will be enough for human to begin to take charge and do what is needed to turn the tide yourselves. Divine inspiration is allowed under the rules of engagement. This you have been receiving, and the many lightworkers among you are pointing to the truth of things and sounding the alarm in various ways, that evil is at hand. The problem is few are listening, few have open minds and open ears, but that does not mean you cannot try to reach them. It is your only hope, to awaken enough people to line up with you and request assistance from the divine, to heal the interlopers so they will withdraw and allow you to heal at long last. We do not offer prophetic visions like this to people because they are ill-defined and too abstract to be forceful and effective. We can hint at things only, and that is the reason prophecy of a true sort will always be indirect and likely symbolic, a metaphorical description but not a literal explicit one. That would be leading, to come and spill the beans and give you the cast of characters, the whys and wherefores, and tell you what to do. This would undercut your authority and your rescue and deliverance, while beneficial, would at the same time disempower you further. And so, the change for the better would not be your doing but ours, and you would gain no real credit or growth in that happening. The test of you is to awaken within yourself and help others awaken in sufficient numbers to know what is needed, at least in the general outlines, and to take action in requesting divine help That is not so very difficult but will require belief. This is what you lack as a people, because your faith has been eroded through the years and you’ve been subjected to relentless programming to diminish belief, all of which works against you. Reaching out to the divine means first accepting and believing in the divine, otherwise the outreach will be meaningless if done in a halfhearted way with little belief in its reality and in the possibility of being acted on with any degree of certainty, and if coupled with lack of belief in the worthiness of the self to be rescued in this way. You will certainly be doomed. So even though the solution can be simply described and, indeed, is simple in its execution, it does require being in alignment and if one is not, there may be a considerable time needed to cultivate greater belief in order to be an effective spokesperson on behalf of humanity to elicit the help you need. This is yours to see to. We can only do so much here. That is why winning will be credited to you even though we do most of the work, it still must be at your strong and steady request, and that alone requires you to be in divine alignment and worthy.