DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionA viewer writes: “In 2016 I attended an ayahuasca ceremony in Costa Rica with a Western shaman couple in the jungle. It was a 2-night ceremony and while the first night was absolutely beautiful and magical, the second night was everything else but that. The only way I can describe it is that I got attacked and it took me to the abyss, and while I left my body something else took hold of it. Over the years, I lost my marriage, all my friends, I am bankrupt, lost my mind for 3 years—it literally erased all my good memories from my mind so I was stuck in absolute darkness for years.” After 6 years now, she is depleted and exhausted. What has happened?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is a straightforward situation although the circumstances, fortunately, were relatively rare on a percentage basis as not that many people are using ayahuasca. This is in the same class of many situations where people use alcohol or mind-altering drugs that dampen down the natural defenses to create a kind of inner complacency and, in lowering the vibration, make people vulnerable to spirit attack. It is especially likely in the case of ayahuasca because there is a desire, at the same time as the drug use, to open oneself to the universe, usually, as a kind of religious experience, to have an epiphany of some kind of insight imparted by outside forces so one is, in effect, giving themselves up to the experience. And if ever there was a lowering of one's guard, that would be it, to create just the right intention to become helpless, along with an invitation for something to come into one's energy while taking a drug designed specifically to alter the vibration overall that normally keeps the mind honed very keenly on maintaining the status quo and being on alert, at least to some degree, for any unusual signs of perturbation, knowing that the world has many hazards and one must keep one's eyes open. So in ordinary day-to-day life, there are few situations where someone gives themselves up in a form of surrender to the same degree as a ceremony like the one you participated in. What happened was that a group of particularly nasty and powerful spirit meddlers marched in and began to control you in various ways and manipulate your sensibilities, stir up old karmic issues to throw you off-balance, and undermine your confidence and sense of safety and security. This served to create a high degree of stress and discomfort because part of you knew you were under siege but could not cry out. The deep subconscious was assaulted, literally, with an onslaught of mockery, torment, and a savage propaganda campaign that was nightmarish in its purpose and intensity. The conscious mind was spared the direct force of that, but the body was exhibiting a huge stress response and that, in turn, augmented the perceptions of the upper subconscious, and then conscious awareness of feelings of unpleasantness that intensified to the level you describe with that ayahuasca session becoming nightmarish and regretful. Unfortunately, your inner vulnerability, being somewhat naive and inexperienced with respect to these kinds of phenomena and what it can take to identify the problem and find a solution that actually works, you were in an unfortunate position of vulnerability that persisted and contributed to a further downward spiral. These dark spirits undermined you again and again and again at every turn, in every way they saw possible to ruin everything good in your life, to get in the way of anything that could bring you happiness or progress, and replace it with feelings of failure and loss that became quite real, as you experienced, in basically losing everything you had making life worth living. This entire nightmare was a sequence of events traceable back directly to that "innocent" shamanic journey you volunteered to participate in and thought you were in good hands to guide the experience and, unfortunately, that proved to not be the case. That is quite predictable because those who truly know the dangers would be much less likely to be promoting such experiences for strangers, not knowing anything about their belief systems, their history, their degree of spiritual alignment, their capacity for mounting serious and effective divine protection for such an exploration that would be capable of protecting them from untoward spirit intrusions. So, in essence, you have been victimized both by your trusting naiveté, the so-called "experts" promoting and offering you the opportunity to have this risky experience, and the darkness ever-present and watchful. They were following the shaman and his acolyte, knowing that they would serve up a new potential victim in a weakened state they could prey on, and they did. What is needed here is work with the Lightworker Healing Protocol to remove these intruders and begin a process of deep healing and karmic repair for all that has been damaged and wounded by their presence and ongoing influence for a prolonged period of time. It will take time to accomplish, but the important thing is to get this started and keep it going, and that will be done by the divine realm working in earnest to right the wrongs here.