DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingAre his subconscious channelings helping him or have we reached a point where we may be stirring the pot in bringing up so many terrible past lifetimes?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
You are not stirring the pot; he is stirring the pot himself. What his deep subconscious is sharing with you is simply what it is seeing on its radar and is worrying about. As soon as you defang one of the horrible lifetimes, he will find another that still is rumbling because the energetic signature in the akashic records is one of trouble and he will be forced to look and then will be ruminating about the episode when you engage with him to do your work. So heretofore, no matter how many lifetimes you may have dealt with using this process, there have still been more he himself has dredged up because that is the established pattern and the trajectory of his current life, so it all resonates quite strongly with his dilemma of being stuck and not having anything work out no matter what he tries. So it will continue to be fruitful to work with him and remove the anguish that comes from having to face so much negative past history. It really projects a bleak outlook and this is unavoidable as long as these troubled lives remain unhealed. So the work is very much worth doing because it is an impediment—the existence of these troubled lifetimes in the akashic records and his embracing this as his inevitable fate are getting in the way of the divine healing work through the Lightworker Healing Protocol that normally would be paring these things back and showing a positive benefit in his life already. The cold hard facts of his history create a powerful inner sense of doom at the level of the deep subconscious. He is protected from much of this at a conscious level but knows he is struggling and has difficulty understanding why that is, which is quite understandable. But as long as his deep subconscious holds the belief that life is hopeless and worse things are coming, it is a hindrance to getting divine help. So if you can keep going it will be well worth it because every thing you correct will be less in the way of him finally turning the corner and having at long last a normal life—that is possible to achieve if enough healing happens.