DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindAre my targeted client’s delusional states being triggered by prior damage of the virus he has harbored? Has all of the virus been removed from him now?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
His vulnerability to negative thinking, states of depression, and agitation as well, are vulnerabilities produced as a consequence of the viral infections he has had chronically for years. These viruses have been removed successfully. Their consequences still remain in part and are undergoing healing. This has been slowed because of karmic parallels and was worsened at the outset by karmic vulnerability to infectious diseases. This made the damage more severe and more difficult to reverse, but we are working on it and making headway. This will help as well, to tone things down and to contribute to advances in well-being over time so he reaches a state of inner stability at long last, and can stay on track with his life much better.