DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial SpiritsAre the issues my client experiences, including the adrenalin surges and sleeplessness, due to spirit manipulation, and does she have an intermittent spirit attacker?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is partially karmic but was initiated by spirit interference, and now the mind has developed concern about it because this reawakening stirred up inner fear. So this is partly a residue of prior manipulations and of unfinished business recorded within the akashic records. There is, indeed, an intermittent spirit attacker. This is a high-level extraterrestrial spirit wanting to regain entry and set up shop, so to speak, to bring in spirit meddlers to renew an attack, to drag down and diminish her ability and reward them in the process. So this is not something that enters deeply into her energy field, but is more making the attempt, and that gets noticed because of her sensitivity. So there is less danger here than she fears. It is more of an annoyance and a nuisance rather than a threat. As long as she can continue to stand strong, maintain her spiritual alignment, and adopt a feeling of confidence in the power of the love that is within her heart to guide her and hold her up in a full expression of her soul’s purpose as a bringer of love and light, things will get better and she will be quite successful.