DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting Beliefs“Bad luck comes in threes.” But then so does good luck as the “hat trick” in hockey celebrates. Pappas writes: “Remember confirmation bias? The belief that bad luck comes in threes is a classic example. A couple of things go wrong, and believers may start to look for the next bit of bad luck. A lost shoe might be forgotten one day, but seen as the third in a series of bad breaks the next.” What is Creator’s perspective on “bad luck comes in threes?”
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is another example of science trying to weigh in about something it does not truly understand, and providing a hypothesis as a seeming explanation for an oddity of human behavior, that a cultural belief could become well-entrenched about something that has no logical basis. So oftentimes whenever science is looking for something for which no explanation is known, it will be seen as "illogical" and then science will come to the rescue with "applied logic." Whether or not the logic fits the problem, it has the semblance of a solution, but this is a superficial analysis that "nonlogic" can simply be replaced with "logic" willy-nilly, and voilà, it makes you a genius! The world does not truly work that way, nor does science, done carefully and thoroughly through the scientific method, and not simply applying established psychological principles as a presumed explanation, but done without rigor and a deeper analysis. If you think about what we have been telling you so far, the superstitious notion that "bad luck comes in threes" is a perfect example of an instilled negative belief to make people expect trouble. What better way to disempower and discourage human beings than to instill such a notion in them, that difficulty and trouble is to be expected and will be inflicted multiple times? We can tell you this is a mind control manipulation campaign, done centuries ago throughout humanity, simply as a mean-spirited attack on helpless vulnerable humans only wanting to live their lives and get along. The sources of evil always want to cause harm and will go out of their way to inflict pain through any means available. When they can manipulate your mind, they can make you distracted, forgetful, or even cause an inner disturbance in the body to throw you off-balance or interfere with coordination. This can, of course, at the right time, cause an accident with harm to others or the self as just one example of so-called "bad luck." So this well-entrenched superstition has a long, long history of harm done to people, and often being repeated at close intervals to flaunt their power and misdirect those punished by making them believe it is bad luck, and one can expect a repeat performance, at least in groups of three. This is the perverse notion behind giving people "something to look forward to" on the part of psychopaths steeped in evil who are in control of your world.