DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessCastaneda asks Don Juan how to defeat the third enemy to enlightenment—power. Don Juan responds, “He has to defy it, deliberately. He has to come to realize the power he has seemingly conquered is in reality never his. He must keep himself in line at all times, handling carefully and faithfully all he has learned. If he can see that clarity and power, without his control over himself, are worse than mistakes, he will reach a point where everything is held in check. He will know when and how to use his power. And thus he will have defeated his third enemy.” Is it safe to assume that all the fallen angelics and ET Alliance members have been defeated by the enemy, power, if not by clarity (or arrogance) and fear, that NONE of them have “control over themselves?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is quite true, that the corrupted and depraved interlopers have compromised their future through their use of power in the absence of belief in the divine, and a recognition of divine principles as a guiding light leading to wisdom and enlightenment, to understand the need for divine alignment in all one does, even if one is at the top of things in the most powerful position. Here again, the argument for overcoming the pitfall of power without control is described as relying on keeping the self in line, another exercise in willpower, when that by itself presumes the wherewithal to bring it about, when the problem might well be unawareness of the problem and an inability to have self-control because there is an imbalance underway, caused by karmic forces becoming expressed in the current life, and dragging the person down through allowing corruption of their being and an inability to assess things accurately. So here again, the need is truly one of healing to impart growth and stability, and inner strength and a restoration of greater belief in the self and a greater desire to be in divine alignment as a touchstone that will unerringly guide a person to make wise choices, help to remove inner roadblocks and obstacles to growth and greater discernment, and inspire the individual in how to attain fulfillment of the yearnings from their soul to achieve great things, but in ways that do not backfire because the person is able to use power in a measured, balanced fashion to serve the needs of all and not the self alone. The legacy of trauma is that it begins to take control of a person because the Law of Karma will demand a restoration for the negativity that has entered the life of a person, and will often demand the restoration by bringing back around the same stressful circumstances and pain that caused the original trauma and misalignment, and then it will become deeper and its power will grow stronger to corrupt and misguide the current life. This is why you need help, many times, to overcome the driving force for the misalignments that are the very pitfalls described here in attaining a state of enlightenment to be a so-called "man of knowledge." You will find inevitably, that outside help must come from the divine realm and is the best and surest way to get the help you need, effectively.