DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessIn all the questions asked so far, there was no mention of divine partnership. It seems Don Juan was giving a tutorial on how to achieve enlightenment without Creator’s assistance, which is apparently something very few can ever manage on their own. How does partnership with the divine, using Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, make the genuine attainment of enlightenment, and the defeat of the enemies of enlightenment, possible for the many, instead of the intrepid few?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
What we need to point out here is that there is a quite common misperception about the true meaning of enlightenment. For many, it is perceived as the need for attaining a kind of personal power through higher awareness that will make someone self-sufficient and perhaps capable of even superhuman feats. That is a misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the meaning of enlightenment to begin with. The true meaning is exactly as the word spells out for you, "It is a regaining of light," meaning, "A regaining of a close association with and embracing and perceiving and understanding what is in divine alignment, and having the inner wherewithal to be in attunement and in harmony with the divine." That can only happen when a person is not corrupted or in a state of disarray through holding fear and doubt, low opinions of the self, not having confidence in one's future and feeling capable of success, and so on. What is lacking for such individuals is not necessarily a more detailed knowledge of divine principles per se, but healing what ails them, what makes them feel diminished and doubtful of their rightful place and birthright to be a true partner with the divine, accepted within the fold, and supported fully with an array of blessings that can be bestowed by the divine for support, guidance, healing, and protection. Understanding those things can exist and happen is not the same as knowing and feeling one has them for the asking and can live with confidence and inner strength from knowing all is well and feeling it without doubt or fear getting in the way. This is the goal of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to provide a means for getting the deep healing often needed to overcome the karmic legacy of being traumatized again and again by multiple lifetimes of difficulty, struggle, punishment, and loss resulting in many personal failings, and leading to greater and greater obstacles in achieving enlightenment because one has been so removed from divine alignment as a consequence of being the victim of such negativity. The greatest source of chronic anxiety is that the deep subconscious knows you have been in trouble many times, have failed many times, have been made to suffer many times, and worries your current life will end the same way. You cannot fix this because it is below conscious awareness and is felt only through stress in the body, and the emotional symptoms that are vague and non-specific, and give little to work with even for a therapist skilled in helping people cope with their problems. Empowered Prayer is a great way to begin healing because it will state an agenda clearly and powerfully as to what is needed, and what is desired for the divine realm to do, much more specifically than common prayers petitioning the Almighty for help in a very general way. This comes full circle around to the need in life for learning and it is never truer or more significant than when it comes to saving yourself from your own folly and the many unfair traumas you have endured through the course of your existence, all of which largely remain unhealed and in your way as potential landmines and roadblocks to progress, all of which are in the way of your enlightenment and attaining a high level of well-being and happiness. The most powerful tool is the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it addresses all potential forms of negativity that can be harming you, including the deep karmic entanglements with many times, places, and circumstances—the influencers representing thousands of individuals over the course of multiple lifetimes. All of those individual woundings need to be healed in order for the karmic forces to be rebalanced and not a continued threat to your stability and well-being. The Lightworker Healing Protocol can heal and save humanity by healing the interlopers who are seeking to overpower and annihilate you as a final condemnation. They are tired of enslaving you and being your overseers, manipulating you in countless ways for their own amusement because they are loveless and enjoy your suffering as a kind of depraved entertainment. That is no way for you to live, as victims, nor is it any way for them to live, as perpetrators—both are at the polar ends of a spectrum far from divine alignment. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the answer because it will provide a unification in bringing back into balance those with power and those who are abused by the power of others. The healing will be conducted by a restoration of inner balance, not via divine punishment. This is the greatest proof of the power of the divine, when God's creations who become loveless, love deprived, and heartless predators are healed through restoring love for them and through them as a choice that will uplift them and restore them to divine alignment. That is what you have been working towards through all of your existence as a human being; that is the project in a nutshell, to overcome the force of evil through healing it at its cause. This is a divine mission and is fitting because you are divine in origin and destiny, but you must choose to stay on the path and take action. The weak and ignorant dominate your world and are on the sidelines as a result. Only those more in divine alignment have the strength and awareness of what is needed. The task is not difficult, but will only be effective when embraced and acted on willingly and with conviction. Doubt and fear can be healed and help a would-be humanitarian step into their power as a lightworker and join the cause to save and heal humanity. We welcome you back to your true purpose and destiny.