DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessCastaneda wrote that Don Juan said, “… the ultimate accomplishment of a warrior (seer, seeker, shaman) was joy.” Sounds like everyone’s after the same thing, the bliss of divine communion, divine partnership perhaps, with Creator and Creator’s infinite love? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
While he was not seeing it with the precision you hold from your greater awareness that a partnership with Creator is not only possible but our goal for you in achieving the greatest possible life experience you are capable of having. So this shaman was feeling it but not fully understanding what it truly consists of and how to acquire and maintain that state in a purposeful and successful fashion. Every human being is only a short time from having been in the light, with us present, and experiencing our love for them in a continuous ongoing interaction of thoughts and feelings, and the thoughts and feelings of the many others to whom they are interconnected in sharing aspects of their soul and the vast flow of information, both conceptual and experiential, from the many plans and workings of soul-based beings throughout the universe. When you are incarnated as a physical human being, you only have your normal senses to tell you what is in existence, and that is a very meager start at best in appreciating all that exists and is possible for you to explore and enjoy, but those feelings of upliftment and bliss that come from joyful experiences and happenings serve as a reminder of where you come from. This is why love is universally prized and universally recognized as the ultimate human interchange. That is not an idea you learned in school, it is something innate speaking to your very nature, as it is your origin and makeup because all expressions and creations of the divine spring from loving intentions. That is not to say it is impossible to corrupt them. Such has happened and will again, and that is the purpose for you being in existence, to solve the problem of evil once and for all as an extension of us—love on the move, bringing the light where it is needed, and raising up the darkness by its presence. That is the call the seeker is reacting to, the unease, the inner knowing there is something important yet to be done, that one has a mission, a purpose, and is connecting to that reality you were making such plans in the light before coming down into physical existence, and it will haunt you in a way because your higher self will remind you again and again and again, "You have work to do, you have important work, and there is no time to waste." But it is joyful work, even in facing evil, because it is the greatest of accomplishments to raise up evil and put love in its place—all will rejoice when that happens, including the former perpetrator who will reap the greatest benefit.