DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlCreator has warned us that humanity faces tidal power outages imminently. Because the ETs have a vendetta against the United States for its role in the Allied Victory in World War II, the United States is the first target. The Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI.org) published an article on their website entitled, “Reality Check: The United States Has the Only Major Power Grid without a Plan.” It turns out, the United States doesn’t have one grid, it really has three, and they are almost completely isolated from each other. And even within these grids there is a distinct lack of coordination and planning. Is this absence of coordination largely a result of mind control manipulation? Are these tidal power outages designed to exploit this weakness?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
The thesis you are building here in your question is a perceptive and accurate picture. As far as it goes, things are worse than they seem on the surface. It is more like a house of cards. As with all advanced technologies, meaning anything involving tools and devices other than what is possible to do by hand alone, these are largely inherited from the extraterrestrial overseers who have allowed incremental progress for human society to learn about manipulating the environment in ways to create useful machines and tools to make things and ways to produce energy for heating dwellings during the cold, and cooling during times of elevated temperature, ways to power vehicles, provide lighting so you are not at the mercy of the setting sun to end your day's productivity, and have greater and greater reach and power through communications and exchange of information via computers and the Internet. The trade-off in all cases, unfortunately, will be a downside, and this is a clever strategy as well as a deception to lure you into adopting technological solutions that have a kind of poison pill, a negative aspect that is not appreciated at first but will work against you in some way over time. The advent of electric power generation sufficient to provide energy for a large region has enabled people to expand the array of lifestyle choices tremendously, as you can live in many areas that would be difficult to survive in during extremes of weather, both hot and cold, without electric power for central heating and cooling. The risk then is, first and foremost, a growing dependence on having that abundant electrical power available continually. When every major need and function requires a flow of electricity, when power gets shut off for an entire region, the impact is devastating. There can be no commerce because in today's world it depends on electronic devices that are electrical, and people will become increasingly isolated because telecommunications will be compromised, because they, too, are electrically powered and must have batteries recharged at intervals, not to mention the generation of the powerful microwave signals needed. The plan to cause large-scale power outages is entirely sinister. First on the agenda is to disrupt things, cause confusion, uncertainty, and fear, and all of the economic loss that will become compounded over time when eventually most of a country has a period of being shut down. The ultimate plan is to bring the world to its knees through a series of calamities that will be seen as unprecedented, ultimately, and suspected of having a sinister cause, and that, too, is deliberate because the interlopers are working towards an Extraterrestrial Disclosure. They are preparing you for a grand deception. You will be begging for a savior to make sense of things, and make things run well again, and save you from the downward spiral that will get underway from all of the negative things being unleashed. At some point, the extraterrestrials will make an appearance with an offer to help you do better in running the world. Their story will be that the dark Reptilian race of extraterrestrials is harassing and manipulating the Earth, putting you in grave danger, and you need extraterrestrial help by the benevolent races to save you. In actuality, all of the extraterrestrials are in league with the Reptilians working together. You will need divine help to free you from the workings of this evil cabal.