DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsDemocracy is only as noble as the voters. Can Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can heal and elevate the majority to aspire to and vote for solutions that more succinctly benefit “all” rather than simply the majority?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
What can you do when the majority of humans are complacent and are aligning behind ideas that will increase danger for them through surrendering their sovereignty to the power of a government body that benefits from their enslavement and lack of authority to make any changes? Who will be there to help you when society is divided into warring factions that not only compete with one another, but when one group has the upper hand the other refuses to cooperate and support its decisions and policies resulting in a gridlock of inaction, inefficiency, and a degraded quality of life in the meantime? Make no mistake that the strategy of "divide and conquer" is being applied relentlessly to humanity on a worldwide basis. The extremes of conduct and the many backlashes resulting from a clash of wills create the illusion of freedom, but it is an illusion. You are being manipulated to think your choices matter simply because you may have the right to vote. This is an illusion when the politicians are weeded out if they have true leadership potential and independence of thought and a higher awareness of morality and divine wisdom. So what is left are people who will follow orders from the hidden hand, and it is society that loses. The elites at the top will continue to be rewarded through a system promoted as being "fair for all" when in reality it is "limiting all but the elite leadership." There will be no one to turn to when you have your awakening and realize things are deeply wrong and begin to see that your political choices are not truly choices, they are simply labels and alliances that may differ in objectives, neither one of which will truly accomplish what is truly needed to make the world better and fairer. You need divine help to deal with the true source of evil you are working to overcome. Make no mistake, that is your charter, "To solve the problem of evil once and for all, and for all of time, but for fine-tuning," for that will be all that is needed once all are awakened to the truth of the divine and this vision is restored again uniformly to all beings everywhere, and people of all origins throughout the universe have access to the wisdom you are learning as divine humans in a contest with evil in your midst. The darkness has great power and is currently in control of things. They have not won yet and that is because of divine interventions done at the request of the true believers seeking divine assistance to right the wrongs and to raise up the darkness to see the error of its ways and accept healing assistance—this is the true way forward. You need to use the tools we have given—empowered and effective prayers using leverage and specificity in the requests so the divine realm has clear instructions and is empowered to work again and again through a repeat of the requesting, to be enacted over and over until the goals are achieved; and secondly, to use the wisdom of the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it more perfectly defines the many sources of negativity and evil influence that can befall humanity and includes requests for divine action, using the actual strategies in how the divine brings healing about. This is the very best way and only certain way to accomplish the objective here in time to save humanity. Without it, the darkness will gain on you and overtake you in the end. Time is of the essence here to launch into action and without letup, to keep the prayers coming, keep the healing sessions and requests coming, that is how you will prevail in the end to raise up the evil ones so they give up their evil intentions and withdraw. It will be, if it happens, because they go in a new direction towards their healing, and not a further plunge into depravity and self‑destruction taking you along with them. This will allow breathing room for you to proceed in focusing on humanity in earnest, to heal all of the wounds of the past brought to you during the many lifetimes you have sacrificed to incarnate, to take on the darkness, and help humanity throw off its chains and reclaim its birthright of sovereignty to live in divine alignment in a glorious existence, and not a life of diminishment because of subjugation by groups of evil beings wanting to subvert you and exploit you for their own dark purposes. Your destiny is among the stars. You will get there by overcoming this obstacle to progress that is holding you down and holding you back. With the divine in partnership, you will prevail. That is why we are speaking with you, to show the way, but it is you who must hear our message and accept the wisdom of our guidance.