DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionErich Fromm said: “There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as moral indignation, which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Here again is a very, very insightful analysis of the dynamics of envy. This is another dimension of the problem of people who are out of divine alignment through a state of disconnection or diminishment of the link to their higher selves and the flow of Creator's love. The more empty a person becomes under such circumstances, the more they lean on their ego in order to hold their own and compete with others. This is why someone who is envious and comes to resent another person, perceived as superior, will be led by their own ego to find fault or a way to blame the object of their resentment in order to raise themselves up from their inferior position. The diagnostic proof for this is that virtue signaling, it is a kind of "gotcha" moment where they can crow about being better than the object of their envy, having caught them in having a flaw or defect, or perhaps questionable conduct, and then going out of their way to expose them as though it is their duty when the motivation is only to prove to others how virtuous they are in seeing the flaw and exposing it in public. It is most unfortunate how often people get away with this pettiness of politics, in effect, lowering the dialogue through focusing on what is an inner impulse of a dark nature and tarring others with the end product of their analysis that is actually mean-spirited and revealing a character flaw within themselves.