DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionIn last week’s Get Wisdom LIVE, Creator said, “The falling out in heaven, of the angelics working with Lucifer, began with envy of those with greater authority and a greater measure of control and influence on things, perceived as “a greater level of status,” and that envy fueled the ego and resulted in conduct that was out of alignment, and grew in frequency and intensity, causing those angels to experience a greater and greater deviation from the ideal divine alignment they had enjoyed.” If it’s based on a belief that others are unfairly blocking you from success, I can see how that can be pretty problematic for eternal beings with continuous unbroken consciousness. “That darn Archangel Michael is always two steps ahead of me, and apparently it will be that way FOREVER.” Is envy the ice on the slippery slope? Is it the most corrosive and dangerous indulgence? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is a very important story and a very important description of a historical event that still reverberates throughout your galaxy, and is a major scourge threatening continued existence of humanity. This is proof positive that envy is a danger and can be the undoing of a person when indulged in too greatly and allowed to fester unopposed. There needs to be a way to counteract such thoughts and feelings so as not to become too frequent as to become a habit. This object lesson, in the consequences of indulging in envy and then acting on those feelings more and more in what one does, shows the risks involved and the damage that can become irreversible in the end. The fallen angelics have been cut off from divine support and only exist if they can siphon energy away from living beings to survive for a time. They are in danger of dissolution and being destroyed in a process of recycling of their energy that would destroy the very soul making them a discrete entity, and return it to raw energy that would merge with the energy of the universe leaving no trace of their existence. That is the harshest ultimate punishment for wrongdoing there could be. The fact they all started on their downward spiral from feelings of envy, that went unchecked for too long a time, is the greatest object lesson and example you could want as a warning to heed if you do not want to mirror that tragic outcome for yourselves. The problem people have faced all through history is that, like the wayward angelics who indulged their dark emotions and found it more and more difficult to return to divine alignment, people have not been taught how to heal such things and help themselves stand strong and stay connected to the flow of love that is the true antidote for negativity. This takes discipline but also know-how and savvy from life experience, if it can be interpreted intuitively, to gain understanding and ultimately wisdom. Many cannot surmount the pitfalls on their own and are drawn into a downward spiral that undermines them and corrupts their thinking. That will have consequences lifelong and may well end up in shortening their life through a karmic consequence, like a chronic illness, that becomes fatal or other unpleasant outcomes that drag them down further and add to the karmic liability of their quandary. Death is no escape because in the next incarnation they will resume their journey with an attachment to their karmic baggage and will likely find themselves in a similar difficulty, and repeat the sequence of faulty thinking, dark emotions, and poor choices in dealing with their unhappiness, and this will further compound the damage and make the possibility of healing less and less likely over time. The take-home message here is to not let things get so far out of control but to seek healing and help for that to happen, as that will likely be needed along the way, and we are eager to share our suggestions for how you can go about this and save yourselves from such a dark fate.