DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportFor future visitors to the GetWisdom website and see our video about Divine Life Support, can you give an overview of what the LHP is designed to do, to bring about successful divine assistance, which sets it apart from simple prayer and other healing modalities?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
The advent of the LHP is a genuine breakthrough, to provide a way that humans can request a meaningful and quite powerful divine intervention capable even of reversing a societal and cultural trend from becoming an inevitability, even something on a mammoth scale that even transcends World War III, because you are facing an actual worldwide annihilation of your species at the hands of the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance. The reality of existence as anyone can attest, reaching the age of maturity at least, is quite challenging. It is not only difficult but disheartening many times because of the irregular nature, the ups and downs of life, the many sources of disappointment, failure, negative experiences, and inner torment as well, with so many people torturing themselves with self-doubt and blame, not to mention all the bullying, dislike, and attempts to sabotage one another that are also common in the workplace, in the classroom, and so on, even fights among neighbors. This is all because people are being undermined by the darkness. There needs to be a divine hand in everything, to give people the wherewithal to make their lives better. You cannot do it on your own when you are up against a wave of evil of great magnitude. The rise of evil has only strengthened through the years, and that is because the advances in technology you enjoy for rapid instant communication worldwide provide a perfect way for interlopers to get to you with programming of your deep subconscious mind. All of the slings and arrows of life through history and your many, many, lifetimes, has caused wounding after wounding because most have been lives of partial success at best, given the pain of suffering from all sources of difficulty, troubled relationships, failed marriages, loss of careers, failed businesses, on and on it goes. That karmic history will haunt you forever until it is healed. The universe is set up that way. So this is not just theory, it is the everyday energetic reality you are faced with, but do not know it, because the influences of negative karma strike at you from within without conscious awareness, other than something feels wrong within the body. This can bring about all kinds of maladies as well as emotional distress. This is the reason for 94% of physical illness, it is karmic trauma reawakened. Most of the mental anguish causing chronic anxiety and depression are karmic consequences as well to some degree, and even more greatly, produced from attacks by dark spirits working to undermine you, again, without conscious awareness, but in ways that disturb deeper levels of your mind and affect the body directly with stress. None of these problems can truly be served by medicine or psychiatry, because the origins run deeper than such treatment modalities can reach. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is designed to address these things. In fact, it addresses a comprehensive list of sources of negativity of all kinds and the various phenomena they cause, to produce symptoms. The requisites for using something like the LHP, as series of high-level, informed, prayer requests, are having a 100% belief quotient in the divine, and a quite high belief quotient in the self. Few enjoy such a privileged state of being. True believers are few and far between, and many who are religious hold beliefs that are partial or shaky because of doubt, and that doubt is reinforced relentlessly by the culture questioning everything spiritual and making fun of the churches and synagogues and mosques. It is all viewed as not just old folklore and a waste of time, but even dangerous because wars have been fought in the name of religion. All of this is darkness at work and all needs divine assistance because it is all a healing need and an opportunity as well. Humanity will not advance until the proper tools are brought to bear to clean up this ongoing nightmare. You are in a state of diminishing returns in a downward spiral of corruption and misalignment that will take a serious toll on your ability to survive. So while some are truly impaired and in a state of helplessness, some are still holding up, at least from outward appearances. Most are somewhere in between, but we can tell you that all of you, no matter how happy and strong and resilient and secure you may be, have karmic baggage and you would do well to get some help healing it. That is what the LHP will enable, a divine intervention to begin to clear the slate for you, to absolve all of the past karmic obligations and debts, and patch back together the parts of you that have gotten broken and distorted through the ravages of this negativity across time. It can be done in no other way. Prayers cannot begin to encompass the depth of need here. They are providing a plea for help, but lack a true understanding of the origins of the problems you face, and certainly, do not have any detailed knowledge about what needs to be done by the divine realm in the absence of deeper awareness of how the divine realm heals. The LHP provides all of that. And the Divine Life Support plan comes full circle, being implemented by someone who has rock-solid belief in the divine and enough confidence in himself to be a solid and effective advocate for anyone and everyone, to get the full benefits of what is requested through this comprehensive healing tool. The fact it takes time for many problems to ease is a complicated situation of the energetics, that you are not designed to be readily relieved of these karmic influences because the symptoms will be the very last thing to fade. So even while tremendous healing is being accomplished all along the way, it is the symptoms that keep you going, keep you seeking help, and working at the problem. That is the wisdom behind this arrangement, to not let you off the hook by removing symptoms immediately, and thus not leave an incentive to keep working at the healing. That would not serve you because you would likely lose that motivation and stop working on making yourself better. So what you are doing in embracing this powerful tool, is aligning with the divine realm in partnership, and getting an effective human advocate to see to that happening in the highest and best way possible. This is a breakthrough for humanity never before possible and never before brought to bear in helping the cause of the divine. You are here to solve the problem of evil. That is hard to do when you, yourselves, are wounded and made helpless, in many cases. If you come to be a healer yourself but only end up suffering and not accomplishing much, that would not only be tragic but potentially lethal to the future of the human family, as all of you are in this together and the LHP will unite you all in common cause and will touch all within the human family. By raising up one, it will raise up all, and you will be a part of it in choosing to participate. That will be a blessing to you now and for all of time as a feather in your cap. The LHP deals not just with your karmic history, but also with interlopers like dark spirit attachments that are a major cause of emotional problems as well as some physical aberrations. They are a real scourge and are actually responsible for the rise of evil that taints everything in your culture. They can be removed and worked on towards an eventual healing. This is what the LHP will see to, and will liberate you from a major liability that is always present and ready to pounce. Fully 90% of people have spirit attachments currently. This is always costing something, if only some energy, but the consequences can be far, far, worse and this is so for many, many, human beings and virtually all extraterrestrial species.