DWQA QuestionsCategory: Channeling PitfallsHow can channelers prepare for a session to provide the highest level of service and accuracy?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Channelers must work to grow into their gifts by understanding who they are, who they are dealing with, and especially the risks involved and the road hazards, to not be co‑opted and misdirected with disinformation, as well as how to maintain safety so they are simply not attacked and their efforts diverted, or have a personal disruption in their life of some kind to distract them from their work and sideline them. These things are possible if one is not mindful of safety and takes on the cabal in any significant way. This is why they do target channelers and intuitives of all kinds quite heavily to co-opt them through mind control manipulation, and direct interaction with physical surrogates to cause mischief, and worse at times, if the level of need is perceived to be such as requires a strong intervention. So being able to stand strong and being able to serve from a pure intention in service to the divine, and in service to the exchange of love in some way to assist others and elevate them in the undertaking, will help them do their best. It is important to avoid any ego involvement and stake in what happens. This is a good invitation to situations where fear may enter the picture, and this can completely undermine any channeling work by preventing the connection altogether or greatly amplifying the risks of reaching a lower level being and opening oneself to attack or corruption that will undermine the work and its value entirely. If the channeler is able to work effectively and has the confidence and the very, very high belief quotient, and can do so without fear, even with tough subject matter where much is at stake, they will be in good shape and in a position to be of great service, and this is truly a blessing available from a precious few at the present time. Many do channeling with ease, but that is because they are serving their ego without regard to the nature of the material that comes forth, and do not question things deeply nor do they expect anything untoward, so the work seems easy for them, but that is because they are oblivious to the risks they have taken on and to the fact they are already being managed in a way to keep them complacent and serve the darkness by promoting a mixture of truths and untruths that will be hard to detect readily, except through careful inspection over a long period of time. It is like living with a snake that one feels is a pet and has conditioned to accept human handling, things may go fine most of the time, but there may well come a day when the snake decides to strike the owner, and it will be quite unexpected and could be devastating when it happens. At a minimum, there will be, in addition to the potential for a major bomb to be dropped somewhere along the way, ongoing mind control manipulation that will, in most cases, not cause a major problem leading the channeler to question their efforts, but more likely a gradual increased complacency so they will be lured into a state of acceptance of the status quo and a lack of concern about any urgency or anything of a serious nature—being reassured, again and again, that all is well, all is being attended to, higher forces are at work, humanity will be rescued, and so on, and they will be flattered and encouraged to simply keep going and enjoy things, and told they are special, and so on. All of the pats on the back are designed to encourage complacency, and this is not only sinister, it is serving the dark plans of the interlopers to creep up on humanity and eliminate them entirely in a series of blows they cannot overcome. The other thing that channelers can do to help ensure the quality of the work is to stay out of the way personally by not having a vested interest in the answers coming forth with respect to their own attitudes and views. It is always a good idea to be open to new information, even things counter to one’s beliefs. It is a testament to the fine channelers that they can do this at all. In most cases, the personal values, ideas, and beliefs of the channeler will shape the propaganda being imparted to them because it will be designed to not ruffle their feathers to counteract any views they hold that might arouse suspicion. So the channeler simply does not grow in a true sense, they simply receive an endless series of reinforcements and encouragements about their own intelligence, and wisdom, and value because they are special and so knowledgeable to begin with. The flattery works wonders, but it is all lies—it is a cynical manipulation. So when the channeler sallies forth, the best position and attitude to take, even when highly knowledgeable in a subject area of relevance to the questions to be asked, it is important for the channeler to have an open mind still and be prepared to hear something novel—that is necessary in order for it to happen. If the channeler, in hearing the question go by or forming it personally within the mind in the moment, is attaching the intention matching the current beliefs in something with a conviction the matter is settled, and one is simply expecting a confirmation, this is a prescription to have the status quo confirmed in some way, if only through not hearing something counter when, in fact, it is the person’s bias starting out that will limit the channeled answer. The divine cannot override human will. If the channeler has a strong opinion about something being asked, that may well cut off a contrary view entirely, and this does a disservice to both the channeler and the one requesting the question be addressed. But this is a major pitfall in channeling work—that channelers frequently hold many biases because their knowledge is special and is hard-won, and so unconventional many times in being involved with things that are quite esoteric they have learned through diligence and hard work, and they pride themselves for this expertise. This is a slippery slope because most information is fragmentary at best. One sees the broad outlines, but not the deep details, and not often the true understanding of mechanism and purpose. The karmic forces are so complex and multifaceted, one sees surface elements, at best, through a psychic or intuitive exploration. It may well be enough to postulate a theory or explanation of something, but it will rarely be anything close to the whole story, but the merest outlines. Humans have many, many limitations regardless of their intuitive reach, so being evenhanded and open to hearing a new perspective about anything, even something that seems obvious to the channeler, because it seems old hat and the channeler is so accustomed to thinking about something in a certain way, there may, nonetheless, be surprises still. If a genuine interest is present within their intention to have divine truth about it, there is always a higher truth the divine sees in things than is possible on the human level. Between those two are many levels of detail and knowledge that can potentially be elucidated when there is openness from the human side and a desire and a direct request for the learning to take place. That can come from an open‑minded question, but not one with a preconceived awareness and, therefore, agenda to simply rubber-stamp, so to speak. This is why the channeler is so important to the process—because their very being, ideas, beliefs, and especially intentions in the moment, even from their mood, will shape the information that comes forth in answer to any question. It is not that the information is, therefore, nondivine, it is that the process of channeling is always a partnership and involves a human partner as well as a divine one. This is why there’s room for error always. It is not always the error one sees, and thinks has happened, but often a misunderstanding or a miscommunication about the specific needs of the questioner, and to what degree there was precision and detail provided to answer the question on the appropriate level of detail for the particular kind of information, and purpose, and context for which it was intended to be answered.