DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaIn view of our exchanges about the interplay of the thought plane, akashic records, and the collective unconscious for causing people’s physical and emotional problems and karmic issues of all kinds interfering with their life, what can you tell us about the limitations of positive thinking using the Law of Attraction as commonly taught by New Age Practitioners to solve these issues?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
As we have explained to you before, the Law of Attraction in and of itself is an entry-level discussion of karmic principles and energies that does not begin to solve human problems. It only defines the issues and talks about good and bad energies. To portray this as the be-all and end-all of insights and suggests all one needs to do is focus on what is wanted and not what is unwanted and then things will magically be brought to you by the universe, is truly magical thinking of a very primitive sort that does not bear fruit in the real world of physical earth plane. This can be done by light beings to bring things into existence with thought alone but cannot be done by the physical human while in a physical incarnation. It has high curb appeal, so to speak, because people are thirsty for empowerment to help them gain greater control of their lives and their destiny. Many also have an inner intuitive awareness of the feasibility of using thought to make things happen and this capability exists even within physical human to a limited extent, but mostly in terms of governing their own personal energy with respect to what takes place within the energy fields of the body—but much less so when directed outward to other targets. The thought energies certainly can constitute psychic attacks if there is a high level of intention that wants a negative consequence to befall someone, and certainly the self-negativity will radiate outward to the repositories of thought plane, akashic record, and collective unconscious, and will re-echo with reinforced similar energies from the personal past and the collective experiences of many, many others who have generated thoughts that resonate. The targeting of a particular goal using the Law of Attraction simply by focusing on the positive outcome will not be powerful enough to outweigh the great number of negative experiences in the typical akashic record of people alive currently. And often their own self-negativity developed through life experience dragging them down and causing many wounds that also resonate with prior karmic events, renders them poor candidates to use positive thinking in a consistent and powerful way, and never to the exclusion of all negativity because it will keep bubbling up again and again. Very, very few can keep positive happy thoughts on a constant basis because of the demands and stresses of life and the many external sources of concern that are daily occurrences in today's world, and with any degree of compassion and empathy will begin to erode the high vibration the person attempts to cultivate. It is not possible to fill the thought plane with positivity and permanently prevent any negative thoughts from intruding. There are simply too many reservoirs with each person’s signature and it does not take much to get things going. For one thing, the Law of Attraction is implemented at the conscious level and not by the subconscious—particularly not the deep subconscious. So while part of the mind—in fact the weakest part, the conscious awareness—is focused on the positive visualizations, the majority of the mind will be wandering elsewhere in carrying out myriad duties and seeing to the issue of all of the safety monitoring it does, including reviewing the collective unconscious and the akashic records on a regular basis, in addition to the thought plane which is getting lots of positive thoughts added to it, but without first cleaning out the accumulated negativity which will inevitably be there to some extent, and will not simply leave because one starts to think positively to carry out some Law of Attraction exercise. So the continued normal functioning of the subconscious levels of the mind will be a much greater influence overall in raising concerns, seeing lots of negativity from the person's past or parallel lifetimes, as well as the collective unconscious, for whatever topics are being queried. And this will come rushing into the thought plane and will then cause a struggle to ensue for attention, and will tend to disrupt and limit the ongoing Law of Attraction exercise, even when one is successful for a time in maintaining a predominance of positive thoughts in the moment, in addition to there being many pre-existing negative thought forms, and other forms of negativity launched in the form of psychic attacks. The person's own inner vulnerabilities will inevitably intrude, and life will have to resume with its usual ups and downs and sources of stress and more negativity will creep in. So, it is folly to think that simply a certain period of time, even on a regular basis, devoted to saying positive affirmations, visualizing positive outcomes that are wanted, will displace all inherent negativity within the collective experience and the past and parallel life karmic negativity self-generated in addition. If one were able to do this perfectly, what it would accomplish is peace of mind. It would not create anything new. It would not bring anything to you from the universe, other than freedom from contaminating negative energies. There would still need to be an active series of steps taken to achieve any desired goal or outcome, or to obtain any tangible benefit. Things will simply not drop out of the sky because one is thinking about them. While there are karmic obstacles to success that can limit what others can do for you, wanting others to do those things alone, will not remove the karmic obstacles. This is truly not healing. It is wanting to be better without doing the work, without creating the unobstructed path that will be necessary to travel to achieve the desired goals. It is wonderful to envision a beautiful destination, but without a roadmap and, usually, removal of many practical barriers to forward progress, it will serve no useful purpose to have that vision in mind. It may be inspiring, but in and of itself will accomplish nothing. What needs to happen as a consequence of the inspiration, is what will truly make a difference, and in most cases, that will necessitate the removal of obstacles through some form of healing to enable effective action to overcome personal liabilities and misfortune. That is truly absent from the Law of Attraction teachings and exposes it for what it is, a very superficial misdirection of humans and truly is quite sinister in holding out false hope to many and misdirecting their lives. People will not ever recover the time they lose waiting for manifestations to appear through their hopes and dreams alone, and taking no other concrete steps to bring about a change in reality. This lost productivity is quite real. Many people, through self-discipline, waste years of time simply expecting their manifestations will kick in at some point, and they simply drift along waiting and waiting patiently, and the dreams never come true. Then they feel like failures. This is quite predictable and is, in fact, a highly desired outcome by those proposing these approaches. It is not the visible practitioners, but those who control them from behind the scenes, who are the sinister orchestrators of this body of knowledge. There is a Law of Attraction that governs the energetics of life, but applying this perspective in the way it is done will not accomplish any deep healing, and this is tragic because there is so much needed at all levels of society.