DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlInformation on Uttara’s case came from an 18-page summary journal article. Dr. Stevenson wrote two entire books on Xenoglossy cases, where people could speak a language never learned or understood, which one would assume would be the most fascinating cases to study. Yet these books are out of print, and the cheapest used copy is over $70, and there is no Kindle ebook version. Dr. Stevenson’s massive compilation of 1240 cases is out of print and unavailable even in the used market. It is simply flabbergasting that such compelling evidence would have virtually no audience or interest. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is no accident, or simply evidence of the fact he might be working ahead of his time, so there would be such a small audience, and simply no enthusiasm for the subject matter and it died a natural death from disinterest. This was orchestrated to happen, that his information would be actively suppressed, commandeered, rounded up, eliminated, removed from repositories and book collections and, in effect, taken off the market to the extent feasible to ensure that interest would die out simply through a lack of continued presence, where it would be encountered by new generations of thinkers with more insight and new perspectives who might be more open and see the connecting threads, as you are doing. This, of course, is quite a loss for human knowledge and progress but so typical of the pioneer who, despite having had a breakthrough innovative approach that uncovers a load of critical and compelling proof of something novel and of tremendous potential relevance to understanding the universe, nonetheless fades from the scene in obscurity, and after a while no one will remember them and that they were alive. This is deliberate and contrived to happen again and again and again in all fields of human study. As a result, all of your world is hindered in every field of importance. For human welfare, there is a huge gap between what is known and what is understood and accepted from the platform of existing knowledge, and what could have been, by this time, an unfettered world of discovery and free thinking as the order of the day.