DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportIs it useful and important to ask members of Divine Life Support to do a simple weekly prayer requesting divine help: “Dear Creator of All That Is, please guide, heal, support, and protect all in need on an ongoing basis, prioritizing the recipients and needs on our wish list. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
We think this is a fine idea. It adds extra intention and it gives all of your members practice in partnering with the divine in a straightforward, simple, way that is also involving them directly, in something of personal importance. That is always the best way to start building a relationship, not in service to the ego but in service to the soul. And as you instruct your members, it helps to align their intention with yours in providing the sessions on their behalf to take care of all the desired needs, or at least get the work started to keep it ongoing in service to all.