DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsIt has been observed that creation is filled with uniqueness. No two snowflakes or grains of sand are alike. It seems that one of the hallmark characteristics of souls that makes them unique is the uniqueness of their “intentions.” It seems our intentional inclinations are something that has been endowed to be a product of intentional design on the part of Creator—at least to some extent. Can Creator comment?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Indeed, the soul characteristics are varied and this is a deliberate aspect of creation. It was never our intention to have a sea of clones, identical beings that would think alike, act alike, look alike, and be alike, but rather to have an infinite variety with respect to expression of innate characteristics and potentials for expressing variations of all kinds in differing ways and levels of intensity, and to be blended and mixed in endless varying patterns to create new flavors in the mix, so to speak. With the idea of infinity being just what it is defined to be—limitless—you can see there is no end to the variety of human experience and expression that is possible, particularly with the large number of souls in existence. This is an important point to ponder with respect to the frequent expectation, and sometimes mandate, that people think and act alike in order to fit in and be acceptable, when in fact novelty and variety was the goal of creation to begin with, not sameness and uniformity and conformity to any given set of ideals necessarily, other than for things to be in divine alignment with respect to whether they are positive or negative, helpful or harmful, contributing or detracting from the meaning and quality and experiencing of existence as an aspect of how much love is in play or being withheld. That is the most important criterion always in assessing the validity of intention being launched—whether it will add love or take love away. But even when it comes to love, lack of variety and sameness can become boring or even stultifying if it poses limitations on possibilities of growth, expansion, and the creation of new endeavors. So uniqueness is a critical component because it gives everyone endless opportunities for exploration, learning, and growth because even in the nooks and crannies and interstices of creation there are endless wonders to explore and ponder their meaning, and entertain the possibility of them being a new launching pad for creative expression yourselves, as a product of your uniqueness and your singular vantage point.