DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaLong wrote: “The Egyptians came eventually to do their “anointing” with perfumed oil, and in the Greek this is to chrisom, and from that word came “Christ,” or he who was cleansed …” What exactly was Jesus cleansed of, his karmic backlog? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is one of many clues in the Scriptures about the existence of karma and its importance in things. Much of that was edited out along the way because it is useful knowledge and those who have a more predatory and political orientation, wanting to subvert divine rule, have contaminated your thinking and corrupted beliefs in many subtle but significant ways to keep people limited in their understanding of how the universe works and the reality of the divine. The person of Jesus Christ was indeed cleansed, and by that, separated from his karmic history for the duration of his lifetime. As such, he was not subject to the normal slings and arrows of life, brought by the Law of Karma, causing you to meet up with people you have had problems with in the past, for example. So he started out in life literally as pristine with no baggage, so to speak, from any prior karmic events. This gave him a tremendous advantage in being able to stand strong and be unflappable under difficult circumstances, because he was not weakened by karmic forces as typically happens with people. This is why so many are timid or weak, or uninvolved, or perhaps even wanting to avoid altogether a difficult circumstance, and done more out of fear than simply not wanting to take a risk as a calculated decision. So many people are wounded again and again by recurring negative karmic history impinging on them in various ways, through a return of pressuring influences and former opponents, that it is hard to even get through life and stay strong and healthy, and not succumb to the erosion of the wellbeing that karma can well bring about, because people have not been taught how to heal such things and rise above their karmic legacy. So this gave Jesus Christ a tremendous advantage, and that served as an object lesson to all about the importance of karma, but unfortunately was poorly expressed in the historical accountings that survived that era, mostly put into written form many years later. But we are glad you are asking this question, and he is as well, because he wants all to know that their lives can surmount the greatest of difficulties. Even though he was killed, he stood strong and honored himself, and that is what allowed his example to serve as a legacy for thousands of years in being a shining example of truth on the march regardless of risk and consequence. Doing the right thing is its own reward because the good karma, and the absence of bad, will carry you much further than you can imagine in joyous ways that will reward you greatly.