DWQA QuestionsCategory: Coronavirus COVID-19Many will be looking for someone to BLAME. This of course plays into the interlopers’ tactic of “divide and conquer.” What can Creator say to those who are angry and who feel their fellow humans have not only let them down but betrayed them?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We can tell you that this is routinely orchestrated to happen. This is how the darkness does its dirty work and is a very clever strategy. They work from behind the scenes and indirectly, through corrupting human beings so they will falter, they will make errors, they will be insensitive, they will cause problems as much as solve them through their own ignorance, inefficiency, and unawareness, through a manipulation of their minds to cause these things to happen. When all you see about you are fellow physical humans and do not see the hidden workings of the darkness, you will only have humans to blame and that creates much finger‑pointing, accusations, and false assumptions and will only lead to a worsening of human relations to create tension, discord, and a ramping up of passions resulting in warring factions at war with one another in small ways or large. You are continually manipulated through a propaganda campaign to find fault with one another and to blame humans for all that goes wrong when it is not humans at fault at all. Humans are being manipulated to have limitations, blind spots in their awareness, and complacency that will be perceived as insensitivity, a lack of caring, and even low intelligence. People are thickheaded for a reason. It is not who they truly are, it is who they are made to become through a manipulation of their minds. You need to look beyond the human level to see who truly is pulling the strings, and that will help you be more forgiving and also reinforce our message here, that you truly need the divine realm to escape this quagmire. You cannot do it on your own.