DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessMy wife just told me that [name withheld] in the dream she had 5 years ago had a longer snout than in real life, and looked just like the new dog, [name withheld], a Cavalier-miniature poodle mix, we got this year who you told us is [name withheld] reincarnated. The coat color and breed look are like a Cavalier, but [name withheld] has the longer poodle snout. Is there any significance in this dream detail?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is highly significant and even a more profound demonstration of the divine reach than having her spirit come from the light to visit your dear wife in her dreams as a loving gesture of respect, and a sharing to help compensate her for the loss incurred by her leaving you and returning to the light. She came in a future physical form represented by the image having the longer snout of her reincarnated self as your dog, [name withheld], currently living with you. This was afforded through the looping of time, and as a being within the light following her passing, she was aware of the future timeline being projected forward that held within it the future destiny chosen by both parties for her to return to your family, but as a different genetic mix that would change her appearance. And the reality of this reappearance yet to be, was incorporated in the visit because she came as her future self, not as the light being who left following her passing, so the appearance was truly different. Your wife had a soul recognition and with the appearance being quite similar, knew immediately it was her but did notice this difference and wondered about it. So this is a beautiful illustration of prophecy in action, showing you in advance the future yet to come, as a divine message to you that the divine is real in the same way love is real, and your loving ambassador is real, and has come back to you to share the reality of that dream in your presence as your beloved companion. Love lives on and the bonds of love transcend death. You are immortal and so is your beloved companion, and you will have a glorious future with her yet again in other new adventures.