DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsOne of the biggest dilemmas coming to light is the condition of departed souls trapped in limbo. We have been told by Creator that fully one-third of departed humans end up trapped in limbo, which is synonymous with being an “earthbound spirit,” or a soul trapped in purgatory. At this time in history, roughly a hundred and fifty thousand people a day pass away in the world. Given what we’ve learned, then approximately fifty thousand will find themselves in limbo immediately upon passing. The question is, how long do they languish? Are they accumulating faster than they are being rescued? And how long might some remain lost?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
We like this question very much because it puts the direct spotlight on a large and growing problem that has been ever-present in human society all through the ages. There is currently an enormous backlog of lost soul spirits who are aggregated in large masses within the lower astral plane, cut off from earthly life, and from the heavenly realm as well, living in the dark, in limbo, and subject to being preyed upon by other dark spirits wanting their energy. The dark angelic fallen are prior angelics who turned away from love and light and are now cut off energetically by Creator, but still cling to existence as parasites of the living; it is the only way they can persist. The hope of Creator is that you will request healing for them as part of the rescue of humanity—that is the reason you were created to begin with. So this subject illustrates directly, the dilemma you face and the issue of reaching an afterlife that is worth experiencing. Those in limbo are in a kind of prison that is an endless torment because there is no rest, they are cut off, confused, isolated, and in a kind of agony of neglect and depletion in having no joy, no variety, no change of any true meaning. Those who are preyed upon are tortured relentlessly to get greater energy from them and their emotional anguish feeds the depraved predatory spirit meddlers who exploit them. So the numbers are vast and you are coming from behind in doing rescue work personally, through the Lightworker Healing Protocol, but that is the very best answer because it is an empowered way to ask for divine assistance, and that is what is needed here—divine rescue for these unfortunate lost soul spirits who suffer. This can go on for hundreds or thousands of years if there is no successful outreach to rescue them. We cannot do this unilaterally because it still remains human responsibility to return home. Even during the transition after death of the body, where your spirit goes is up to you. If there is no preparation, no belief in the divine, no belief in an afterlife, no belief in the self as deserving happiness and joy, and looking forward to an infinite future, but rather feeling exhausted, spent, and perhaps a failure because the life has not gone well or has turned into a nightmare of illness and isolation, as happens many times to the elderly, this is poor preparation to be raised up when you have let yourself decline to such a low ebb. That being your choice and not ours, we cannot work against it readily, so any help and request for help coming from the human side can make all the difference to mount an outreach to help these spirits in limbo return to the heavenly realm and resume their soul journey, which is the purpose of existence, to cycle back and forth into the physical for a time as a human being, and then back to the light to process all that happened and to plan the next outing. It is all for a grand purpose of growth and learning about negativity, and the rise of evil, and to take the challenge head-on to solve the problem of evil once and for all—that is your charter; it can be a struggle addressed quite individually, for saving oneself. Raising a happy family does much to do this for the group as a whole, so those who start the family and are the heads of the household have the greatest influence, the greatest responsibility, and the greatest positive karma from a successful venture to raise happy, well-adjusted youngsters who become a force for good on their own one day. Everything contributed to the betterment of humanity will be noted and attached to you as a permanent record of achievement, whether it is on a local, personal level, or the world stage, it all counts because it all adds together to the sum of the whole. Until the lost spirits are rescued, they will remain in limbo, out of the action, but also lost to progress and of no benefit to humanity, but more a liability from their absence. This serves the darkness, working against the light. If humans remain ignorant and complacent, even when told many of their brethren are suffering in this way, it will contribute to the failure of the Divine Human Project.