DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersThe attraction between Anakin Skywalker and Padme, his love interest, is so intense that it is easy to speculate that they might be genuine twin flames. Is this storyline divinely inspired to further shed light on why twin flame relationships while in the physical are “not arranged” and highly discouraged by the divine? The fate of Padme and Anakin’s overwhelming desire to be with her incentivized his quest for power “at any cost” to himself and ultimately, even the galaxy itself. One would not ordinarily think that such “love” could be such a corrupting influence. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
While it is true that the appearance together of twin flames in a human setting does not occur deliberately, because it becomes a major distraction that will prevent people from getting their work done when so much is at stake and there is limited time to make one's mark and reach important goals, that is not the specific intent behind this plotline. Keep in mind, this is a human-level screenplay, although it was divinely inspired, and so must still depend on human perception of the dynamics of psychology in understanding motivations and why people seem to do the things they do. Love itself can be a mixed blessing, and this has been noted many times in leading to someone's downfall, when they turn to the pleasures of the flesh, when there is serious work and great danger looming such that it is inappropriate to indulge in personal pleasure of any kind, even a love relationship in divine alignment, when one has duties and obligations to attend to and many others depending on their service to a cause. This is a common dilemma for the warrior. Every generation who sees the men go off to war notes the pain and suffering, and the level of sacrifice represented by those leaving loved ones to journey off to foreign lands and perhaps never return or return maimed and disfigured, and may be unable to resume a former relationship and, in effect, lose their chance at a normal life. Many young men in the prime of life fall deeply in love and have to put that relationship on hold and deprive themselves and their love partner when it goes against almost every fiber of their being because their desires are so strong and, after all, you feel love for a reason, it is wholly divine and an imperative for a spiritual being to experience and share. The fact that it is put in abeyance in service to the cause of war, resulting in death and destruction and corruption of the soul of the warrior, is a deeper and greater lesson here than simply burning love having to wait because of a perceived higher priority or obligation. So the message, from a divine perspective, of the tension here between duty and giving up an intense love relationship is showing the contrast between the ideal and the consequences of having to reckon with depravity, so that the viewer feels the pain and sees the contrast. The lesson in this is not that love must be a second-tier experience, but that something is seriously wrong with the world when one even has to make such a choice. That is what is out of alignment, the fact that war is looming and seems like a rational choice to pursue. That is not to say one can never serve one's country if they are able to indulge in a love relationship, the true goal needs to be solving the problem of evil for all time so generation after generation of humans do not have to choose between love and depravity in how they spend their time.