DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersNegative karma is many things, but principally its purpose is to incentivize the being to “somehow” escape the suffering it entails. The divine goal and hope are that the being will be incentivized to pursue greater divine alignment and wisdom, rather than greater levels of power along with greater levels of cunning and skill to more successfully pursue, maintain, and further power over circumstances and other beings. Does karma create the incentive to pursue a solution, but cannot dictate on its own just what solution, and what path, the being will pursue? Is that left up to the free will choice of the being? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
We would say this is largely correct, that is why there are many circumstances that arise which appear to be a punishment in the return of a karmic consequence for a rash act or misjudgment. This is simply an automatic readjustment to force those involved to recalibrate their life in a way to repay an obligation of some kind because they will begin to feel the pinch, and then must take steps to heal what is wrong or risk compounding it in some way. So this is not an arbitrary black or white, all or nothing, life in bliss or a death sentence imposed by an angry God, but a greatly refined and nuanced reshaping of energetic possibilities and choices brought into play that motivate people to take action that will further their life journey, hopefully with an improved direction through positive choices rather than a continued or even greater decline in surrendering to false solutions, weak actions, or even greater corruption in the choices to respond. Life is a test, every day, in every way, because karma is always a factor in everything that happens, if not the karma of an individual existence in what is happening at the moment with the looping of time bringing energies back around to be a source of influence, then the broader culture, the environment, the location one is in and everything about it, and others one interacts with and their personal karma that will create dilemmas for them as well in having to respond to a challenge that occurs. This testing is a seasoning, it is a process of maturation through being in the flow and flux of energies directly oneself with all that entails, putting oneself at risk, in fact, by going on record with all that happens, showing forever how well you did, how well you handled yourself, because it will be possible to trace the thread of existence through all the ups and downs, and this will be on file. Again the purpose is not to shame or punish, but to assist the self as well as others with greater understanding and the resources to always have a way to find the truth of things because the truth is always recorded, whether good, bad, or ugly, and is independent of bias or prejudice or ignorance of the participants. It is the duty of the Law of Karma to teach all, what they miss along the way by returning the truth to them in some form so a person will reckon with past errors and make a course correction for the better, or suffer a greater penalty until they do, finally one day, figure out a better way to respond. There is always a path to divine alignment available to everyone, the challenge is to be able to see it and have the wherewithal to take that path as it will not always be the easiest one at first.