DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsThe essence of enlightenment is to be fully in alignment with the divine. It seems arrogance of any kind would be a good indicator of how far away or close one is in terms of divine alignment. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is certainly a useful way to think about the issue, but it is not unique to the quality of arrogance alone that defines misalignment. There are many circumstances, characteristics, emotional states, and misguided and self-destructive beliefs people hold that all represent lack of enlightenment. But arrogance can be discussed quite productively in those terms, because that discussion at once provides the standard one needs to follow to evaluate what is going on and make an assessment to properly assign the meaning and consequences of what people are doing, whether it is serving them or others, in an unbalanced way. As an expedient strategy, the time-honored principle of "Live and let live" can be useful in a society where there are no easy answers, where people do not think deeply about human behavior, and there are no fully effective means to help people cope with personality flaws and emotional difficulties they have trouble controlling. In a sense, that philosophy acts as a self-correcting mechanism to prevent people from engaging in likely unproductive confrontations, let alone feuds with others, and a kind of war that will compound the negativity and widen the carnage. But this hands-off approach is also neglecting a karmic responsibility to be a witness and a source of assistance to others so that when wrongdoing occurs it is appropriate, useful, and even a karmic imperative to help put others on notice it is being witnessed and seen as undesirable. This can have a beneficial effect to help a wrongdoer rein in their behavior. It is rarely productive to ignore wrongdoing, pretending it won't matter, and just putting up with whatever inconvenience it causes personally, particularly if one is not the focus of wrongdoing. We would see that as the coward's way out, to not speak up for the downtrodden who may lack power themselves to stand up to punishment that is unjust and unwarranted. Ideally, even in physical human culture, there would be a back and forth, give and take, live and let live, but up to a point where there would be, at a minimum, some kind of pushback in the form of useful corrective advice, but short of an attack on the offender that could well lead to things getting out of control and escalating in a harmful way.