DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsWe know that arrogance is a huge problem for beings in the physical, especially when cut off from intuitive feedback from others. But it seems that arrogance is also a problem for light beings, as exemplified by the fall of Lucifer and his cohorts. In the light, it would seem arrogance poses a problem because nothing is hidden. If light beings are aware of the thoughts of those around them they would know immediately if someone is out of alignment. Can such naked exposure to the assessment of others produce both humbling and incendiary effects? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
We can tell you that the same issues are present for the light beings as occurs among the physical human community. All are needing to stay in balance, stay in bounds, not exceed their personal authority, and when doing so, ensure it is done with respect and care to not offend or cause harm to others, even through hurt feelings. For the most part, light beings are superb at being model citizens, fitting in among many, many varied soul‑based beings, and being accepting and allowing at the same time as wanting to pursue a personal agenda and many goals of their own. But it is true that given exquisite ability to sense the thoughts and intentions of others energetically through an intuitive awareness, this heightens both the potential for friction occurring and will challenge the strength, confidence, and maturity of all involved. In a sense, all are members of a fast crowd, so to speak, quite savvy, experienced, learned, and capable beings who are old hands at life with an extensive pedigree. Given that beings vary in the mix of characteristics they might express as a dominant feature, this provides a wide array of types of individuals. This adds richness and variety and makes things a fascinating journey, because one will encounter most anything, because people see things through different perspectives based on their own makeup, and given the high intensity and power and reach of the light being, a lot can happen when two light beings bump into one another and have quite divergent views and interests and desires for what might happen. So it is the case that sparks will fly sometimes, but the difference from human culture is that light beings never lose sight of their divine origin and an understanding and appreciation of what divine alignment truly means. So they will naturally rein themselves in, and if not, they will be reined in by the Law of Karma very quickly. So, in a sense, they operate in a realm with a built-in oversight mechanism that will, in the end, keep them in line rather effectively. The punishment will always fit the crime and the sentencing will be swift, and the punishment meted out immediately. We are using that imagery as something familiar to humans in getting a comeuppance of some kind and having to do a course correction, as a result, to atone for misdeeds by making up for a transgression and repay a debt to others they have harmed, for example. So in the realm of light beings, mistakes do happen and some of the consequences are extreme, but they are short-lived and the system will right itself rather quickly, and all will learn a lesson. The light beings are mature enough and in alignment enough to understand that the feedback provides the needed consequence for a wrongdoer to be taught a lesson, and they will have confidence the lesson is being learned and need not get involved personally in a direct confrontation or struggle to control one another. If they notice someone making missteps, they may well engage with them to warn them, but even if the warning is not heeded and things get worse, eventually the wrongdoer will be brought to heel and the witnesses, not involved directly, will be grateful they were not the ones causing the misalignment and will appreciate having learned as well from the incident as an example of what not to do. In effect, light beings teach one another, both through successes and failures, and all grow as a result. In the human realm, there are many dead-ends, at least within a given lifetime, where people are diminished at the hands of others, and it might become a permanent loss for them without the means of recovery and without anyone learning a useful lesson. In fact, the opposite is likely to happen, that it will darken the thoughts and feelings and beliefs of both the victim and the perpetrator through misguiding them, that life might be hopeless, from the perspective of the victim; and for the perpetrator, a misguided embracing of power and control over others in their pursuit of happiness that will only lead to their pain in the long term.