DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersWas the great Native American Holocaust, that decimated and destroyed the great Native American Community of Cahokia, part of a greater purge that took place simultaneously across all of North America? Were the mounds all built in roughly the same time period? Were the Anasazi being decimated at the same time that Cahokia was being liquidated? Approximately, when did all this take place—Middle Ages, Roman Era, Greek Era, Egyptian Era, or the Sumerian Era? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This was a period of time closer to the biblical era than believed by human researchers. It is unrelated to the Anasazi civilization and its travails because these indigenous people, who were killed in a massive genocide arranged by the extraterrestrials, came into disfavor. As we have shared with you, there were rebels who attacked their overseers and killed some of their slave masters, for this was essentially a slave colony at the time, of humans being subjugated. And, as a consequence, this entire colony of many, many thousands were systematically tortured and executed over a long period of time with all citizens forced to watch the grisly display so they could observe their future fate with plenty of time to dread it until their turn came. There were many tribes of indigenous people throughout the Americas who were subjected to genocide by the extraterrestrials, to the extent that some people chose to not return and reincarnate ever again. This was on a scale that dwarfs what was done by the human white settlers, spreading westward from the original colonies of European immigrants settling on the East Coast, and eventually gaining their freedom and sovereignty from English rule. This so-called "manifest destiny of westward conquest" was aided and abetted by mind control manipulation of the extraterrestrials themselves, as a kind of recapitulation of prior savagery, and became a kind of second round of punishment and retribution for the problems the Native Americans caused in earlier times, and resulted in roundups and executions for large numbers, if not total, of many tribes of people. This is a cycle that has repeated itself all through human history, where human beings were exploited for the amusement and benefit of extraterrestrial conquerors and, after a time, discarded.