DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyWe learned in a recent series of channelings that only the Milky Way Galaxy is truly a free will zone, with all the advantages and disadvantages that brings. So it seems that the rest of the universe is a “safe space” compared to our Milky Way Galaxy. It’s also been said that this is a free will experiment, perhaps suggesting that “safe spaces” leave something to be desired. Can Creator comment?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
It is not that safe spaces are undesirable, it is simply the differentiation of that desirable state of being to have an environment where one not only feels safe but is truly safe from harm, and the state of affairs within the Milky Way Galaxy as exemplified by your own planet being in constant turmoil through the ages with tremendous suffering all along the way, and no end of problems with relatively little learning and evolution of culture to avoid such problems from recurring again, and again, and again. The latter has been the norm. This is not consistent with a race of beings like the divine human who have keen intelligence, spiritual core instincts, and a strong desire for upliftment and to live through love as a means of expression. That very idea is in conflict with common experience with so many ways people can experience negativity at their own hands through poor choices, lack of learning, good habits, and self-discipline or being preyed on by others to bully them, cause them difficulty, or even end their life. The entirety of the universe, with the exception of the Milky Way Galaxy, is largely a safe space except for the inhospitable local environments such as the surface of stars and sources of tremendous radiation that would be lethal to life forms. What is important in this discussion is the difference between what has taken place in your galaxy compared to the ideal of living in peace and harmony, and feeling and being safe, both. Safety is simply enforced by the divine quite rigorously and quickly everywhere but within the Milky Way Galaxy. In your more local environment, those restrictions have been eased, causing the Law of Karma to take some time before reacting to poor choices. This creates a kind of test environment where people have opportunities to fail, to push the boundaries, but eventually there will be a course correction from a kind of backlash or punishment that reaches them as a life lesson. This is an imperfect system because many times in your current state of disconnection, humans will not recognize that karmic lesson for what it represents because there will not be a memory of the causation, oftentimes. It may, in fact, be something happening in a previous life and only in the current life is the karmic lesson being brought to bear. This creates many dilemmas and practical difficulties for human progress because there is so much unhappiness resulting from the inner discord of karmic consequences impinging negatively on a person’s life. This is typical of most people, there will be such struggles many times during the course of their life. That is a consequence of the free will experiment underway where humans and other beings within your galaxy are allowed to experiment, to have a nearly total free hand, other than eventual restitution via the Law of Karma, in doing whatever they choose. Most beings will see the connection between wrongdoing and an eventual comeuppance that reverses the gains because there is a consequence taking away their happiness, their good fortune, whatever gains they made in the short term, and bringing instead a kind of punishment to exact a toll commensurate with harm they caused to themselves or others. Experience has taught you that it is a slippery slope indeed, to be a free agent with free will able to do anything until it is opposed by others or the Law of Karma. The spirit meddlers, who were angelic at one time, fell into a downward spiral through an ego-based desire for greater power and could not find their way back to divine alignment, and are in danger of perishing having become quite a scourge to humanity living as energy parasites off human life force energy and causing all kinds of problems through manipulating their host to induce bad behavior. This causes people to get out of divine alignment and find themselves on a dark path as well. This is highly dangerous, but a consequence of free will gone wrong. That lesson simply needs to be learned, because it is not inevitable and can be surmounted through healing and returning to divine principles for one’s life choices. That has the potential of creating a similar safe space level environment of comfort and security within the earth plane and the Milky Way Galaxy as a whole, once the corruption by the interlopers is addressed through healing these intruders in your realm so they no longer act as perpetrators and will let you alone to continue your soul journey. This is the ultimate goal of the divine human experiment—to prevail under these difficult circumstances. You, in fact, were created to be an answer for the problem of evil. This is a tall order to expect humanity to cope with the vast span of time evil has been in existence within your galaxy and corrupted so many other beings who got there ahead of you and now are intruding in your world and corrupting you, but that is a grand contest that is very worth winning because there will be tremendous rewards if you prevail and solve this problem. The benefit to the interlopers will be phenomenal and will be a blessing recognized for all of time to your credit as a member of the human family accomplishing this feat. So basically, this illustrates the issue of a safe space has wider implications, and the need in the first place stems from an age-old problem of great magnitude and importance, for the key to the whole dilemma of safety and security rests on having a good understanding of evil and how it operates so you can be effective in countering its effects and maintaining stability to have a life of enjoyment and productivity.