DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindWhy are truly revelatory insights such rare events for most people? Is “hitting rock bottom” a form of revelation, a form of insight? And why does it have to be such a difficult and protracted experience for most people?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a profound and insightful question and analysis rolled into one. You are touching on many key aspects of what we have been discussing, but you are seeing the issues and the needs for greater definition and understanding in posing this question, to wrestle with the issue of being in a state of impoverishment and disconnection from the presence with the divine, and the reality of divine love radiating from you, not only within your understanding but the very vibration of your being. In your soul level experiencing in the light, you are a part of Creator, literally, and as such share the loftiness of divine awareness and divine totality of being. As a physical human, you are a fragment of the divinity you hold as a separate soul, but that is the purpose of physical existence, to give you an opportunity to see the contrast and be aware of the consequences of disconnection. That is what you face now with the problem of evil and the desperate need to overcome it to restore everyone and everything within your galaxy to a higher vibration in alignment with love. This is no small challenge but depends on your ability to not only appreciate what is missing but find a path to its restoration. That can only happen with a motivation based on an awareness of the problem’s existence and the fact you have a role to play here to bring this about. Being in a state of disconnection interferes with all of the above because it leaves you as an island in a sea of ignorance. When you cannot see over the horizon, you do not know the possibilities and cannot even envision taking action in a way that will transport you to another realm, another way of being, and many greater opportunities than you have available in your very restricted current environment. When you consider the totality of the soul and your diminishment as a physical human in the moment, bridging that gap is the progress of learning, growth, and enlightenment that will enable you to transcend the limitations of the physical and regain your divinity. That is the plan for humanity and its projection—given your ability to share this awareness, understand its implications, and embrace the idea of having a role to change not only your destiny but the destiny of the human family. When you can envision having compassion for those who torment you and keep you suppressed, and partner with the divine to bring love to them and healing, so they can regain a closer interrelationship with their own soul, it will be much easier for you to do the same, and this will change everything about your current circumstances and you will move into a new reality. That is your destiny inherent in the plan for divine human. Whether you will achieve that will depend on your ability to act and also to awaken others and persuade them to act. When you are living in a vast wasteland, experiencing a taste of divine love will seem revelatory in the moment because of its great contrast with your typical day-to-day experiencing. These experiences, even though rare, create an opportunity for inspiration to remind you there is something more and there is everything to gain by working to recreate that experiencing, knowing there is something higher and better you can aspire to and even reconnect in a way that will raise you up to greater heights that formerly would be unimaginable. The fact it is rare to have a revelation of this kind is simply a reflection of how subjugated and helpless people have become in being suppressed and subjugated for many thousands of years, and lacking wherewithal when in a state of ignorance, do not have the energy and initiative to even do enough exploring to stumble on the divine in action and see that as a role model they might follow and gain something in the bargain. For most, life is a dead end. Those who have a revelation are the lucky who still are in enough divine alignment that an offering can be made to them, usually by the divine realm itself with that intention, to raise them up a bit and reward them in responding to feel good about what is being experienced and encouraged to go further. This is what we term "having a handshake with the divine." In a sense, it is a raising up that can last and become a new plateau, a new platform to reach even higher, to keep going in reaching for more, and this can result in a quite successful journey of enlightenment. When people reach rock bottom, the least degree of betterment will seem like a revelation to them. So often it is not something so profound, but rather representing the vast gulf between their state of despair and humiliation and even the thought of something normal once again. That is truly profound by way of contrast, and so there is often a new beginning that results from hitting bottom. When people finally let go of holding on to their self-abnegation and negativity about the world, and give up the struggle, and by surrendering their fight against change, feeling that will threaten them further, they open up and allow change to become possible. This is when the divine can answer a request for help at long last, and in raising them up it will seem like a miracle and of course, truly is, in terms of what is taking place—the interaction of God with a physical human for their betterment in an expression of divine love. We see all of humanity having much room to grow. We do not wish for them to hit rock bottom in order for this to happen. You can use the awareness of such experiences to know that no matter who you are or where you are on the spectrum of possibilities, there is always something better you can have if you want this to be so, and you reach out to the divine and ask for help to bring you along to attain the advancement it represents. You are all loved and supported, but to the extent you yourselves allow. It is your responsibility and obligation to make the first move. We are always there and waiting and will respond with love each and every time.