DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersWhy is my client having an acne breakout despite the recent LHP and DSMR work?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
Interestingly, this is a secondary effect of the microbial cleanout you have underway to deal with her thyroid problem. What that is doing is causing a kind of detox response by the immune system. The clearance of virus is being noticed by immune surveillance and the response is to ramp up vigilance and to put things on a hair trigger, so to speak, because these foreign substances are impinging in many places of the body and will continue for a while until they are cleared. So that is making her extra sensitive to foreign invaders for the time being. You may see bowel disturbances, for example, because the immune system line of defense in the gut can become extra sensitive and overreact to things that are relatively benign being absorbed, and so on. In the case of this client, not everything has been worked out with respect to her acne problem. Keep in mind, there are two levels within the body in addition to the karmic energetics. First, is the level of infection and the noxious presence it causes until things are fully cleared out. Second, is cellular memory and that is the bigger factor here in her case. There is significant cellular memory of the acne condition. That is because it was in such conscious awareness because of the implications for body image, emotional state of mind, and so forth. People are understandably very preoccupied with their appearance and it is stressful and traumatizing to have blemishes that are unsightly. So this is, in part, a body memory process. That is why your instinct to focus on the DSMR, in particular, for this issue was spot on. It is a memory problem, first and foremost. So this is a good illustration of a common secondary effect of healing if it involves removal of microbial pathogens. This might stir up symptoms almost anywhere in the body that has involved the immune system in the past and as such, are an artifact of trauma memory rather than a recurrence or a reemergence of prior illness that might have been in remission, and not truly healed as one might think, from the symptoms starting up again.