DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWhy is the hole in my client’s leg not healing? What can we do to help?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a combination of karmic vulnerability with ongoing perturbation energetically by the interlopers. They see this as a perfect way to torment her and are working to prevent healing by intruding energetically with their advanced technology to cause disturbance within the tissues themselves. We are working to deflect this but it is challenging due to her overall negativity and pessimistic attitude because she has lived with this long enough now that she has little confidence it can heal, and that lack of belief, or rather the belief she is powerless in the face of this, makes the healing more difficult to support. Your participation and that of your colleagues with the Lightworker Healing Protocol work is what is holding the body together, literally—they may well kill her in the end if unopposed. So despite her torment and suffering, she is actually holding her own because under the circumstances most people would be dead by now who have faced the steady onslaught of attacks she has received. You can help to keep her going by continuing to work on her behalf and this would be a blessing, as it is accomplishing much deep karmic repair for her, and that will be an asset regardless of how her life experience works out, whether through improvement, a worsening, or much of the same until she eventually transitions. Much will be healed despite what it looks like on the surface, and that is a blessing indeed.