DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlCan you give this client some encouragement about receiving divine help, as we are requesting via the Lightworker Healing Protocol?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
The first thing we would say to you is that you are never alone. We are always with you and you are deeply loved and cherished as a member of the human family, and our love for you and for all your brethren is strong and unwavering. We will never abandon you. Your task is to not abandon yourself, but to stand strong and hold faith in us and faith in yourself, that you can overcome any adversity because you have divine help at your side always. We cannot make you be different. We cannot control your thoughts, and we cannot always directly stop interlopers who may wish to manipulate you, but we will be working steadily behind the scenes to loosen their grip and decrease their interest in you in particular. And so eventually, you will be dropped from the list and there will no longer be a need for them to have you under surveillance, and then the encounters will cease altogether. Meanwhile, ongoing healing is being applied to undo any trauma that has happened from being subjected to experiences of high strangeness that are stressful, and this will help you over time as well, to put this behind you and to view the world in a more relaxed and calm fashion, with feelings of greater security. This is the key to the emotional turmoil you have been living with. The cure is to reduce outside interference and allow the divine healing to do its work and you will be uplifted as a result.