DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportIn keeping with your promise to do case study examples of benefits from the Divine Life Support monthly sessions, can you give us one anonymous example of meaningful healing, what phenomena were involved, and what the benefits will be?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago

We will give you a single example of a human being and this man's family being recipients of the benefits of a healing intervention that commenced with the very first inaugural session done for Divine Life Support subscribers. That said, as there are individuals beyond that pool who will receive replications of the healing, we caution all who listen to this to not personalize it, as the many subscribers all have wish lists typically consisting of many other individuals not formally enrolled in the program, but secondary beneficiaries, because they are loved ones, or in some cases, adversaries and troublemakers in the life of someone who is a Divine Life Support member.

This individual who received healing was nearing a decision point driven by the Law of Karma from prior lifetimes being with his current family members. They had been together in several prior lifetimes in which this man developed spirit meddler attachments who were able to influence him to a large degree in encouraging bad behavior, primarily through ramping up his anger to become rage. And this, in a series of lifetimes, led to enough of a worsening that he became delusional, in thinking of his family as an albatross around his neck and a threat to his well-being and very existence, and began to fantasize about killing them all as a kind of justice, to free him from the torment he felt from the burden of responsibility he failed at meeting, repeatedly. This was held up to him, within his deep subconscious mind, by the interlopers, to mock him and torment him and stir up furious anger, and to convince him he was the victim of unfairness and deserved to seek revenge.

The circumstances precipitating the dire climax in each case were somewhat different from life to life. For example, in one lifetime he impregnated a lover who delivered twins and this forced him into marriage he was ill-prepared for, and felt imprisoned by it. This was at a time before birth control methods that were effective, and she went on to have a number of additional children, and he felt he was becoming a slave in serving his family. But in each of the lifetimes in this series, he ended up killing his wife and the children as well. This is the kind of severe karmic injury that will always bring an even more severe punishment, and that is the reason for it repeating in life after life. The intention in the workings of Karma is to bring it up to be worked on as an issue, but hopefully, healed in time to prevent a reoccurrence, and to heal the prior transgressions so it can be resolved for all concerned. The fact this had not happened along the way, was adding more and more fuel to the fire, so to speak, and driving things to greater levels of intensity in each new lifetime because the karmic penalties were so very huge with the repetition of carnage piling on to amplify his karmic debt. Those in the family caught up in the drama were being harmed as well, and increasingly so with each lifetime's repetition in becoming victims.

Despite this intensification and sordid history, bringing the Lightworker Healing Protocol along with the Deep Subconscious Memory Reset Protocol, enabled us to go to work on this individual from multiple directions, at multiple levels of his being, especially the other lifetimes creating that karmic history. The first benefit was to remove the dark spirits possessing him in the current lifetime, who were working on him to egg him on with dark suggestions, to make dark thoughts justifying punishing his family members for their demands on him, and so on. But far beyond that, in working on the karmic history on multiple timelines, progress was made in removing the intensity of that karmic potential to play out yet again in the current life. Enough was done to reach an energetic tipping point that we are certain means that for the first time after multiple lives together, this family will live on intact, in the current generation. The continued healing being administered through this Divine Life Support plan will help all of them be restored. So not only will the current life be smoother and not shortened through tragedy, enough of an advance in karmic repair will be done for all the family members to enable their next life to be much happier and more balanced from the outset. For one thing, they will not have to return to a new incarnation with this gentleman, and run the risk of having the old darkness reawakened if he should become possessed by dark spirits yet again, who push those karmic buttons and stir up trouble that becomes a kind of morbid fascination turning into a preoccupation and a fear-based inner terror, wanting to escape but feeling trapped, as a victim of circumstance.

So those family members can move on, to be with others less prone to extreme violence. And this man, who has been the origin of so much evil, will not be triggered by being back with the same family members yet again as a reminder deep within of his troubled past. So the total benefit here is truly enormous, to not have lives cut short, ending in tragedy of the most gruesome sort. While this could be a poster child example of divine intervention accomplishing tremendous benefits in a very dramatic way, every individual and every family has its stories, its baggage, so to speak, lives of difficulty, suffering, loss, and failures. Each person's story is intense and meaningful and will be a tremendous influence on their future, for better or worse. But we take great satisfaction in seeing this individual and his family being able to have things turned around in their favor, at long last, so they are now moving forward and making progress instead of falling further behind. It is a particular joy this could be done without their conscious awareness of what was looming in the background, as a kind of gathering storm that could have unleashed its fury in a tragic way, but now has been forestalled forever.