DWQA QuestionsCategory: Channeling PitfallsA channeler asks: “What is the difference between channeling and telepathy?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is a semantic distinction we are making in the context of this discussion between those who are reaching out, by virtue of intuitive gifts, having the capability of sensing the thoughts of other consciousness, at least of a certain vibrational range, and the potential passive reception of an outside intrusive consciousness inserting its thoughts within the awareness of some level of the mind of a person telepathically. So true channeling is a willing and mutually agreeable interchange to provide a way to converse between two conscious entities. Telepathy is the sending out of a conscious signal that is received, but without prearranging a formal connection at the outset, and so is done unilaterally. If it is recognized, at a conscious level, that some information has been newly acquired and a person has an intuitive awareness this is coming from an outside source, they might send thoughts out to that source attempting an interchange. That might well be received, but it is more like two individuals shouting things over a fence in the dark of night, not knowing who might be there or why. In some cases, there might be no attempt to answer back. The actual mechanics are quite different energetically, in the conveyance of the consciousness involved, between true channeling via a gateway for the nonlocal consciousness to venture forth, versus the thoughts on some level of the mind being projected out and recognized by another consciousness, with or without a subsequent attempt to answer. So true channeling is more formalized and a mutual arrangement. A telepathic exchange is done via a different mechanistic conveyance of thought that will be less robust, predictable, or a true joint effort as opposed to having unexpected impressions without a full understanding of the message in many cases. So it is more akin to a psychic reading that might give, in some cases, great clarity and precision about something and in others only a vague outline, a kind of indirect feeling about what is being received more than detailed understanding. It is also the case that some intuitives who have auditory skills will perceive sounds, and this can include speech, and will have a greater ease at receiving telepathic communication because it suits their onboard apparatus for intuitive sensing.