DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersA client asks: “How do I escape the relentless interference and messing about that the spirit meddlers subject me to, I have been doing the LHP now almost every day for nearly a year and Creators Prayers for even longer, which has made no difference that I am aware of, I AM GETTING FED UP WITH THE CONSTANT INTERFERENCE, I want to be free of this nonsense that they keep feeding me with, for heavens sake 70 years is long enough, when will it end?” What can we do for him, and what can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
You are suffering from a chronic continuation of inner beliefs inculcated by spirit meddlers to create a kind of inner turmoil. This you perceive due to your great sensitivity as an outside attack, but it is literally created by a subpart of your deep mind as a way of trying to cope with feeling you are under siege. In effect, it is self-perpetuating this state of being tormented. This is a very clever alteration of the mind that is induced to keep the suffering going. This, in turn, summons more life force energy to deal with the seeming ongoing crisis situation. Any spirits in residence as attachments will benefit from the influx of greater energy, so that is its purpose. It is not that you deserve punishment or are even unnecessarily singled out compared to any other handy human host. It is simply that you were alive, present, and being targeted that this cycle of tormenting got going. Your use of the Lightworker Healing Protocol is keeping you free of attachments, but the divine cannot countermand inner instructions from your own mind to worry about what has happened in the past and project that onto the future if it chooses to do so. That would be a violation of free agency and free will, to stop you from thinking. We understand this is insidious because it does truly feel like an external attack, and it may be difficult to accept our words at face value. One of the best sources of evidence of the truth of our analysis is that the repeated use of the Lightworker Healing Protocol is having no effect. If this were due to interlopers, that would be reined in because spirit meddlers have no standing with the divine realm and can be removed in a straightforward fashion. Harm they cause can also be worked on and quite successfully, over time. The one thing that is a liability from their handiwork that the divine realm cannot overturn quickly is the alteration of the host’s own mind to believe tormenting is needed, and inflict that on the self. That becomes the individual’s choice from our perspective, even though it is harmful and unwanted from the perspective of the higher levels of the mind. We must honor the wishes of the total being even if there is a corruption of some kind present. It is not that it will be ignored, but to change this would require a much greater and long-term reworking of the being across time domains. That kind of work always takes a long period of time to undo the many, many, perturbations that may have an end result in the current lifetime of a destructive nature. That inter-balancing of the needs of the client versus the many other beings they interact with in many other lifetimes is a complication that slows things down. So you are actually serving yourself greatly by doing the work with the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it is keeping you free of new attachments, and given the prior manipulations, that could be devastating to allow it to resume. You, yourself, know what they are capable of and how unpleasant the end result can be. So we would encourage you to keep going with the healing requests, because that will be working on the continued problem, albeit slowly. You can have a direct influence yourself on the recurring sensations by ignoring their presence and that will be a signal to the body that the old instructions are no longer needed, and eventually it will cause them to fade. The body will not work indefinitely if there is no purpose. By taking away the purpose in sending a direct instruction this is no longer needed, and then ignoring the perceptions of disturbance, will eventually convince the subconscious to let go and stand down.