DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsA client is concerned about a woman who died of breast cancer at the age of 32, leaving a husband and several kids to mourn her passing. Is she safely in the light or in need of a Spirit Rescue? If the latter, what hindered her full transition back to the light?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Unfortunately, she is not yet in the light, and this is due to a history of prior karmic tragedies in other lifetimes when she died young. She had intimations of this and prophetic dreams from childhood, that she might have an early passing, and this began to feed great inner fear that somehow she was marked for doom by God and it must be for failings to deserve such punishment, and this truly began haunting her and creating a kind of dark perspective about life in general. This did not cause her breast cancer to end her life, but the prior lives where she had restricted longevity were the basis, and the karma did predispose her to have a fatal illness in the most recent life that, indeed, caused her demise. So this was not a punishment in any real sense, but simply the consequence of trauma and what it can do until it is resolved in some way or another. Most people cannot heal their own trauma, so it will carry forward, and likely return again and then again and then again in a series of lifetimes, the purpose of which is to demand a resolution. All humans are on this learning curve and being subjected to the same teaching opportunities. Society has begun awakening for some time to the notion of reincarnation, the idea of karma, that "What goes around comes around," and that there is an obligation to safeguard one's soul—that something is missing when God simply does not take care of everyone. The interlopers exploit this to promote the Secular Movement, using it as proof there must not be a God, after all, with so much pain and suffering, and how could a "loving God," so-called, allow such misery and do nothing to help the unfortunate sufferers? This is a perversion of the truth of things, that God very much does care about everything going on and what people experience, especially the suffering and torment of painful existences and the consequences for all they are interacting with—the many others in their family and soul group who are affected and, in effect, punished as well. But there is a larger purpose in the need for humans to learn about personal responsibility, and also gain greater belief in the divine and in themselves especially, being usually the weakest link here. When people doubt their own worth, we cannot help them, it is that simple, because you are in control of all that happens. If you do not believe in us, we cannot help you. If you do not believe in your own worth to receive divine help, our hands are tied and there is nothing we can do, quickly at least, to intervene on your behalf should trouble come your way. We can work from behind the scenes and work slowly on moving in towards the center of the problem, but that can take so long, death may overtake you before we make enough headway to forestall it. That was the case for this young woman, but we can tell you that receiving the healing from a Spirit Rescue with the Lightworker Healing Protocol will enable her to receive high-level help for the first time in many lifetimes, and this is true of all who are similarly assisted with healing in the physical during their life, or given Spirit Rescues that require much healing to be done in order to help their spirit return to the heavenly realm. That will get things on a forward march, and that will continue over time because the Protocol will be enacted over and over again, and it will be employed retroactively to help their past as well as their future, and this will change things for the better and is a major blessing of the work itself.