DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “A young woman who attempted to take her life about three weeks ago is being released from the psychiatric hospital today with a great prognosis for full recovery from a depression that had plagued her for years. She took some pills that nearly killed her, and while in hospital lost and then recovered her memory twice, and was in a deep coma at least once for days that baffled the medical people. When she came to, she reported that she’d had a near death experience and now feels great and full of love, and firmly believes in the Divine. She did not believe before and was practicing pagan religions and so forth. I posted about the initial overdose and crisis to the Lightworker Healing Practitioner forum and the stalwarts there agreed to add her, and I think it would be a great story to hear from Creator about what role the LHP and everyone (including her medical team and especially her loved ones) played in helping her.” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This, indeed, was a beautiful example of a group healing of someone not only deserving, as all are, but someone who was on the cusp, as a seeker, in wanting something more fulfilling, something better in her life, and that suffering that led her to a rash act, in a sense, was a low point she reached because of manipulation from onboard spirit meddlers—they always make things worse and that is their hallmark. But given the emotional depths this woman reached, her survival would not have happened without a medical team to help support her physically in the aftermath of her overdose, the loving concern of those praying for her and, in particular, the group effort applying the Lightworker Healing Protocol, because it allowed addressing so many levels of past karmic history that had brought her to a low point in her current life. It is one thing to have a near-death experience and return with heightened belief in an afterlife and in the divine realm, depending on what is experienced, but that is not the same thing as healing. It is an invitation to healing, a reminder of one's origin, and a powerful demonstration of the reality of the divine all wrapped into one, but that in and of itself will not heal someone's karmic trauma, and that is where the healing effort made all the difference. It is true she might have returned to conscious awareness motivated to pursue a new perspective, but to be able to pull that off, stick with it, and have the magnitude of the shift she experienced, and was evident to her caregivers, would not have happened without the team LHP effort on her behalf, and is a good example of the value of being a healer, because of what you can contribute to others as well as the self, especially in a time of crisis when everything is on the line. People can slip so far it is not possible for them to get back to high ground and they may go under without divine help they will be unable to summon in their depleted state—someone must speak for them and that was done here to good effect. The dramatic transformation came about because, among other things, this ended a long-term spirit possession that had clouded her thinking and dragged her down, in many respects, for years leading up to the crisis that caused her hospitalization to be necessary. It was receiving effective healing for that dilemma that saved the day and she came out of the crisis in a much more normal state of being courtesy of the healing work.