DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “Could you please give an example of how the LHP can dissolve and transmute a negative karmic contract to bring healing to a client?”
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
A simple example would be a karmic carryover of a need to be obese as a consequence of a lifetime, or perhaps a series of lifetimes, where the person died in a time of famine. That is a severe trauma because it is a form of torture to go hungry. As a consequence, this may give rise to a reconnection with those prior lifetimes and their desperate seeking of nourishment as an imperative. The deep subconscious, in reviewing those circumstances, may well ramp up the appetite within a person and impart the impulse for indulging themselves at every opportunity for food intake and, as a consequence, develop a strong inner compulsion to prepare for the worst, by maximum food intake, so as to survive any recurring disaster where food supplies are unavailable. The Lightworker Healing Protocol can address all the various aspects of this karmic contract by helping to alleviate the suffering of the individual in those very prior lifetimes, and to reduce the energetic signature and its magnitude of suffering in the akashic records associated with those periods of famine. As you can appreciate, it is rarely possible to effect a complete and comprehensive healing of prior lives lived, but their consequences, in terms of carryover of negative beliefs and negative thinking, can be replaced more readily within the current lifetime, and this will greatly reduce the imperative, and potentially powerful influence of past life recollections to be mirrored or countered even through extreme means, by helping a person stay grounded and preserving a more common sense approach. So belief work, as well as dissolving cords connecting a person in their current life to many prior trigger points and circumstances that have an energetic emotional charge, will go a long way to helping a person emerge from the many sources of inner conflict that compel behavior that is well-intentioned, but self-destructive, and cannot be stopped because it is a kind of compulsion. Those changes for the better, effecting a kind of cleansing of negativity, are the transmutation in action afforded energetically by replacing the bad with the good of helpful, positive energetic equivalents in magnitude, but having an opposite nature or character, and that is what is needed to, in effect, reframe the outlook so that "food" becomes "just food" and not an obsession. And if this readjustment and realignment takes place with all levels of the mind, especially the deep subconscious and cellular consciousness, then the conscious self, and its desire to keep weight in check, can once again have conscious control over behavior so as to limit intake instead of indulging in much unconscious eating, so to speak, and, on a deep level, this will allow changes even in the body metabolism and makeup that can begin to reconfigure the physical nature to express a healthier balance.