DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human CorruptionWikipedia defines the Dunning-Kruger effect as follows: “The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of a task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.” This effect seems common, and when encountered, almost completely resistant to challenge or debate. What is Creator’s perspective on the Dunning-Kruger effect? How much can be attributed to subconscious programming, and how much to the simple immaturity of the incarnated human?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Human limitations, irregularities, and problematic functioning come from many varied sources. You know them all from probing the need for healing as well as the human dilemma from being under pressure constantly from the darkness. There are genetic defects, common to all human beings, you struggle with. That is a kind of corruption that is ancient in its onset, but still keeps humans partly in the dark by inhibiting intuitive sensing. As you know, the intuition is a high form of knowledge and wisdom available to those who are tapped in, despite the faulty physical makeup you have genetically. Some are able to discern more because this plays out in varied degrees, in part as a consequence of a preconfiguration of each individual prior to launch, so to speak, as planned in the light before coming down into the womb to join with the eventual infant that emerges. There are many corruptions through manipulation of all levels of the mind causing incorporation of faulty thinking, faulty beliefs, and various forms of impairment, discouragement, and disinformation that will keep people off guard, ramp up their anxieties, and may well trigger other festering problems because people can only take so much negativity before the dam breaks, so to speak. That past legacy of prior trauma is a huge factor for every human being because you have been in many lifetimes of struggle and difficulty, with many failings and painful times, all of which goes into the backdrop in how you perceive things and react to them. The need to stay on top of things is a life skill, but also a survival instinct, and that indeed is served by the ego as a frontline defender of great importance. So we will be discussing this in much further detail but, like all of the other human attributes and functional capabilities, the workings of the ego have their uncertainties, and this is because all the other factors we have laid out here will impinge on the ego every bit as much as any other part of the being and can alter, perturb, or corrupt to make that part of the being less effective, become diminished, or even suppressed to the point where the person is at grave risk. So the phenomenon you ask about is something that is a coping mechanism that inherently relies on inner assumptions so a person can hold their own when confronted, put on the spot, or challenged in some way.