DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “Our current Lightworker Healing Protocol asks that all new spirit attachments accumulating in between repeated LHP sessions being netted to stabilize things until the Protocol can take care of removing them. Would it be better and more effective to request that Step 1 of the LHP be repeated as required to remove the spirit meddlers that come along between LHP sessions?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This would be of marginal benefit only. You are free to do anything you choose, of course, but the time interval in between Protocol applications will continue to narrow with increased diligence and power of intention being added by repeated practitioner requests and a growing base of practitioners. The biggest reason for the shortened interval is the more recent request to have all light beings participating in the healing and for them to repeat sessions over, and over, and over again. So, in actuality, the level of risk is marginal, and having the netting process in place will prevent any untoward consequences of repeat spirit attachment presence for the most part. There are always unique circumstances when people are particularly vulnerable and may be preyed on despite the imposition of protection tools as well as the requests within the Protocol currently for the spirit team to be vigilant and to step in and remove anything representing a new incursion. This, too, means it is a redundancy to ask for a special partial application of the Protocol for spirit removal whenever it might be applicable, so this adds an unnecessary additional degree of verbiage and complexity to things and is not truly necessary.