DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner suggests the following for the Lightworker Healing Protocol: “Help my clients accept and integrate all of their shadow selves and help grow the relationship with their inner child so that they can develop a loving bond with clear communication, trust and love.” Does this add anything not addressed already?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This, as you saw intuitively, is a recognition of inner fragmentation of the subconscious into subparts, subpersonalities in some cases, or subfragments holding onto trauma memories, as you know about and deal with using Holographic Memory Resolution. As such, it is an end-stage consequence of karmic repair and so there is no need to add this in as a direct request, because it is subsumed in the deeper meaning of all the other steps of the Protocol to repair the consequences of karmic events impinging on the client. In other words, you can work to heal the symptoms or you can heal the disease. Either will satisfy the client in what they are sensing about things. If their symptoms are gone they will likely be none the wiser and very happy with the outcome. It is highest and best to heal the disease. That will not only provide symptomatic relief but prevent a reoccurrence, which may well happen when symptoms alone are dealt with. That being said, there is nothing wrong with getting an alleviation of symptoms, and this can always be requested even if it is a superficial answer in the moment compared to the big picture, which is always healing that serves the soul journey in an ultimate sense. So this can be added in, as you envision in the section he chose as well, where the guides and higher self are requested to do extra steps for protection as well as some healing initiation. This would be most appropriate to give to them, to do some interior work via suggestions to heal fragmentation resulting from serious trauma. That will likely deal more with the current life than with other parallel lifetime traumas, but will nonetheless have some symptomatic benefits for some individuals and is simple enough to include as you choose. This does re-echo the prior step to work with the deep subconscious in a parts work fashion to address the areas of greatest concern. This is another way of doing parts work in a more generic fashion for the simple reintegration through healing when there are some parts struggling with traumatic events and unable to recover and reintegrate their energy, and would therefore be wider in scope, separate from taking the most severe things or those things associated with the particular objective of the Protocol session about a particular life dilemma. What is highest and best is usually seen by the divine realm as the need to address the deepest and most severe karmic events because these are often in other timelines. There will not be an immediate sense of relief as can happen with doing trauma resolution for current life events that rumble and produce symptoms directly. The invitation to have reunited the so-called shadow selves will be a broad-based clearing of negativity that may well have a perceptible upliftment as a consequence, even though one that is less meaningful in terms of the major client issues and the long-term struggle to overcome the deeply buried events of the past.