DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersA viewer asks: “We learned about events in the early Milky Way Galaxy because I asked this question, ‘When was the war in heaven?’ And Creator said that was five billion years ago. So the founding of the Anunnaki civilization and the rebellion of the angelics led by Lucifer roughly coincided. Is civilization a result of the fall? Did the fallen angelics manipulate the relatively peaceful and primitive Anunnaki to seek power, and is that the seeking of power what fuels the creation of civilizations?”
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
We would not agree with your thesis, strictly speaking. The purpose of existence is to explore an ever wider array of possibilities, so that presupposes that a very primitive culture might advance in some respects that create an increasing variety of exercises, leading to more and more sophisticated toolmaking and construction techniques for more and more elaborate dwellings, and eventually the possibility of labor-saving devices of all kinds, particularly to deal with the vagaries of natural forces and protect human survival and add to creature comforts, and so on. So there is nothing perverse about civilization necessarily. The fact your technology is harmful in so many respects is a perversion of advancement and sophistication, courtesy of the extraterrestrials and their history and knowledge of such things. They have deliberately seeded your culture with bad ideas so that you pursue technologies that have a lure of benefit but always with a cost in being dangerous and toxic over the long term. Those are pitfalls that could be anticipated, watched for, and kept in check were you not corrupted to be complacent and with a reduction of your faculties, including intelligence and intuitive ability, which will often help save the day if allowed to flourish.