DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersThe viewer asks: “Creator also said that prior to the Fall, other angels could pray for the healing of their fellow angels and that would be effective. But with the advent of the Fall, the angels were causing harm in the physical realm (something that had apparently not happened prior) and other angels could no longer heal that harm with their prayer. Instead, the healing for the harm caused in the physical plane, now had to come from the physical plane. So apparently, six billion years ago, this wasn’t a problem. But became a problem five billion years ago. So, I also know that Creator hinted, or even suggested, that one reason there is such confidence that we are close to solving the problem of evil, is because the Milky Way Galaxy Free Will Experiment worked up until the Luciferian-led rebellion of the fallen angelics, only five billion years ago, that caused the Free Will Experiment to take a bad turn. So the angels were there from the beginning, from the big bang itself, but the fallen angels have been around for only five billion years.” Is this analysis correct? What can you tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Other than being a long-term proposition with many twists and turns, this is not a precise description, as to timing of things, in all respects. For one thing, the big bang had to do with the physical realm, not the higher dimensions inhabited by angelic beings and light beings, both of which were in existence at the start of the universe. So what was new, and eventually introduced at intervals along the way, were the physical life forms in various configurations on many, many worlds done as an exploratory and experimental endeavor by Creator to learn as well as create the launching of many new possibilities and, through witnessing the consequences along with a process of fine-tuning, devised many prototypes that reached a quite advanced and sophisticated stage of development. Those end products, still a work in progress, are what you see about you as life forms on your planet; they are not the last word in what is possible but a subset of what is already in existence throughout the vastness of the universe itself. What changed along the way was the initiation of the Divine Human Free Will Experiment that was conceived and launched within the Milky Way Galaxy alone as a true experiment, a test case, to explore what might happen but within a restricted environment that would contain any damage that ensued, as the rise of evil was anticipated to happen and various ways of anticipating this eventuality and ways to reckon with it were explored along the way, and that used as a way to provide feedback and modifications. So there were many strategies developed over time to reckon with the difficulties and rough edges that were revealed by this process itself unfolding. So this was a quite complex, varied, and elaborate series of events exhibited by worlds, and civilizations within worlds, on many varied scales and time frames, all of which contributed knowledge through feedback and was used through a process of divine implementation and sharing to provide needed changes, often as requested by the beings involved in response to their own individual experiencing, especially when things went wrong and were difficult to change by those beings themselves. Keep in mind that the normal state of existence is for everything to be in harmony and in communication with the divine, not to live in a state of isolation and disconnection without a robust, meaningful, understandable, and consequential communication with the Almighty. Having the means to do so is the normal state of affairs, but absent largely in your world and in other planets where corruption has happened to diminish belief in the divine and disconnect you from your lifeline. So the entire history here is quite complicated because there are innumerable worlds who have been a part of this enterprise, reaching varied levels of development and types of limitation and complications that have outlived their usefulness, reached a dead-end, or been eliminated by other beings in competition or by Creator as a means to terminate failed branches of the creation. So the story is far more complicated than just describing the current players, where they have come from, and where things stand now with respect to Earth and its destiny.