DWQA QuestionsCategory: Higher SelfAre any humans literally born without a conscience? If so, how does that come about? What percentage of humanity falls under this category?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Approximately 10% of humans are severely constrained in terms of a profound disconnection from the higher self and will be close to if not within the spectrum of sociopathic conduct and inner makeup of their thoughts and feelings. This is usually a consequence of prior karma for individuals who were spiritually impaired in other lifetimes preceding the current one and suffer a karmic legacy of having been damaged in ways that will be recreated in the current life as an impairment of their morality and ethics—the ability to feel love, compassion, and empathy for others. Such individuals are dangerous to both themselves and to others because they will tend to be ruthless and often reckless in their ability to disregard rules and will only want to serve the self and are quite willing to harm others to make that happen. There is a possibility for them to receive enough healing to turn things around, but that rarely happens in the current world because people are not aware of the techniques available to do this. It can only be done through the Lightworker Healing Protocol as it will require an ongoing campaign by the divine realm to work through the many underpinnings that drag a person down to such a low level. It may well be a lifelong project and beyond into future lifetimes to recover from that severe degradation.