DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlCan Creator bookend this discussion for us, by commenting on two terms that are diametrically opposed extremes—the paranoid and the pollyanna? Merriam Webster defines paranoid as “having extreme or unreasonable fear or suspicion.” It defines pollyanna as “a person characterized by irrepressible optimism and a tendency to find good in everything.” Another way to characterize the two extremes is the paranoid feels unsafe when there is no evidence of threat, while the pollyanna feels safe when there is stark evidence of danger all around. Our society today lauds the pollyanna and disparages the paranoid. A wise person likely considers both to be naive. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
Our perspective is that both states of mind or states of being are actually abnormal because neither serves the person in being steady, in alignment with reality, emotionally and mentally as well. One can look at the consequences for the paranoid, in having an unpleasant time living with the burden of fear, as being the one with greater negative implications. But, tracked side by side, it might be the paranoid who survives longer if both are in a dangerous environment. The hair-trigger warnings provided by the mind of the paranoid might well save them, in seeing danger lurking and taking precautions, while the pollyanna, remaining blithely unaware of anything threatening, may become a victim and taken out before they can react in a self-protective fashion. Their epitaph might well be, "It was fun while it lasted," but that is hardly a useful legacy or remembrance, but would reflect what is usually the case, that both are viewed in a very superficial way. The key we are giving you here is in calling both behaviors abnormal. Something is wrong, and seriously so, with overreaction to things as well as underreaction. Many times the seeming paranoid is responding to actual real threats and this is rarely appreciated by outsiders. There are many things that threaten welfare and wellbeing of people that are unseen. Things like dark spirits and spirit attachments to a person's energy, where they can carry out a campaign of bullying and terror to keep a person off-balance and in a state of fear and anxiety that will often not be understood consciously. But, if it evolves into a serious psychotic state producing delusional thinking, it will get noticed and branded as mental illness when, in fact, the person has a good reason to be in a state of fear and suspicion about everyone and everything if they are being stalked and tormented on a constant basis, if only deeply within the mind. We are not saying the delusions are always real, but they are an end product of a real-life problem that is still unseen and unappreciated by the medical community. The problem of mental illness will never be fully solved until the problem of dark spirit predators is accepted as a real phenomenon that can be a scourge undermining the stability of the mind. The pollyanna, in contrast, being blithely unaware of negativity, can live a carefree and quite happy existence, at least for a time, but being unaware of reality in a fuller sense that shields them from negativity, puts them at risk, and eventually their bubble will burst and they will find themselves harmed quite directly by something harmful that catches up with them. This could be many challenges, like a physical illness or a life circumstance, that might have been brewing for some time but went unrecognized and then came to a head in forcing a confrontation that is painful or even a threat to existence. It is not normal to be a pollyanna, as we stated, but we can tell you that such individuals get a lot of help in becoming that way. They are manipulated to make them complacent, to dull their senses and dampen their awareness, and this leaves the individual unconcerned about things, so little problems can mushroom and become big ones without the person taking any action at all because they are simply oblivious to the growing threat and will be a victim, ultimately, of their complacency. This state of being is engineered to happen through a mind control manipulation and is being applied throughout human society, on a mass scale, by extraterrestrial interlopers wanting to maintain control of humanity, because they truly run the world from behind the scenes, through your governments and others in authority among your institutions. The purpose is to force a state of disempowerment on the population because if you cannot sense or feel something is being taken from you, and do not act, you will be diminished and will lose in some way or another. This is how civilization goes into a decline, often through a campaign of misdirection and distractions to keep the mind busy on something irrelevant but compelling. This is directly visible all around you, with people almost constantly looking at screens, not because life-changing information is being sent to them but because they are addicted to the chatter and the barrage of stimuli they experience as a reward, because it engages them and keeps their mind captivated. This is in direct contrast to the reality of existence, that the clock is always ticking so there are only so many minutes and hours in a day to take care of business, see to one's obligations and responsibilities, take meaningful and planful actions to ensure things will go well and you will gain something from the day and not fritter away your life on things that are actually irrelevant because they are, in the end, merely an amusement. This is a deliberate orchestration underway to undermine society and impede human progress. At the same time, it makes you docile and easily handled, which suits your captors.