DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessCan Creator briefly describe how accurate premonitions occur?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
All human beings have the potential of some intuitive capability, otherwise known as extrasensory perception or psychic ability. The ability to see the future is a built-in mechanism of the human consciousness. It, in fact, is always scanning slightly ahead. This has survival value as it gives humans an edge in having an inner ability to sense intuitively something threatening is about to happen. This does not come directly into conscious awareness but alerts the subconscious level of the mind to be on guard and this is often enough that the person will very quickly sense the menace as a direct sign appears to the normal senses and allow a much quicker reflex action that may in some cases be lifesaving. There can be a deeper excursion into the future possibilities because everything that is happening in the moment is creating a future potential for it to be extended and this is what we define as a "current life future extension," meaning the projection into the future of what is likely to come next. That extends quite a ways forward because there are many short-term and long-term potentials with respect to the energies being martialed and put to use by consciousness all around the world from the many human doings underway. People have a varying ability to tap into the future timeline that is being projected. It has a high degree of variability because there is a flow and flux of the energies that is constantly changing because it is constantly being reshaped by the actual reality of events as the current moment proceeds into the future from the perspective of the past events themselves. That future progression of the current moment in a sense crystalizes the prior potentials into an actual reality that goes on record at some point, and becomes the predominant energy of the moment. That will, in turn, begin to modify the future projection, that future extension of the current life. Each person has a role in what is being projected, so this is a multicomponent, multilayer aggregate of consciousness that is creating a kind of template for what is to come and in a sense is staging a rehearsal for that eventual future. It is entirely provisional until the current moment reaches those projections and either replaces them with something more concrete and decided on or rewrites the projection to modify it in some way, perhaps even dramatically, if prior events suddenly foreclose an option that was prior to the events in question the most likely possibility being projected. This is why psychics have such difficulty predicting the future with accuracy. It is not that they lack intuitive reach, it is that the future itself may well change between the time of the prediction and that eventual future date. It is not the fault of the psychic their prediction no longer holds, it is simply that that future prediction for some reason, or a group of reasons, fails to materialize because it becomes precluded by other intervening events that change the course of the future itself. We understand this is a rather complex and tortuous discussion, but it is important to the understanding of all you wish to know here, that the future is actually being formed moment to moment out through time to varying degrees of certainty. This is what people tune into who have a premonition—they are seeing the potential of something happening on this future timeline that has not yet come to pass. This may be facilitated by a divine communication, often in the dream state but sometimes during the waking state in a moment of reverie or a kind of meditative contemplation that allows the subconscious to be more in the foreground as that is the gateway to the intuitive sensing. It is not done through the conscious level of the mind but through the deeper reaches of the consciousness. When a person senses something may happen and has a very strong feeling about it, it is very likely to be the case that that person is being impulsed by the divine realm to take notice because it may be a warning, and a divine outreach is being done possibly in answer to prior prayers for safety to give the person a heads-up danger is coming their way and to be careful in how they proceed, or for some other reason. It might be something that had been requested in a prior time by that person or by someone who cares about them wanting them to have guidance and support, healing and protection, and that may also be another reason the divine can more actively send hints about future doings because it can be very helpful in helping people to plan and potentially forestall a calamity. Some people have a very active subconscious mind that will roam about and go looking to see what it can learn about the future and if something ghastly is observed, that might well be taken to heart internally and cause the person to have a nightmare depicting the very scenario that was witnessed at a future point in time along this future extension of the current life. That nightmare or simply a dream about the event will often make an impression and will stick in the person’s mind. That is often also a consequence of the divine realm chiming in to encourage the person to pay attention, to wonder at the seeming real feel of the dream sequence, and to ponder its potential meaning. All of this is supportive and is allowable in the rules of engagement to help people run their lives in a better way, particularly if people are praying for guidance, support, healing, and protection. Prophetic information of all kinds might be offered—even if this is subconscious it will have a benefit. The idea here is not to turn people into fortune-tellers but to run their affairs in a more efficient way and especially to avoid tragedy. A prophetic vision is often about something of large significance and that is why it is noticed, taken to heart, and brought to conscious awareness. The deep subconscious cannot communicate directly with the conscious level of the mind, but it can create dream material based on what it sees and is experiencing in roaming about through various time domains and that will often suffice to alert the conscious mind about something destined to happen. This may or may not play out as envisioned because, until things actually happen in the moment, they are still provisional and there can be last-minute disruptions in the projected energies to change things around and sometimes prevent an entire series of events altogether.