DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsCan Creator explain the difference between stubbornness and persistence?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Stubbornness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. This is a human quandary on both ends of the perception. The individual acting on their current beliefs and another party perhaps confronting them or challenging them in some way, or wanting to motivate them to take some action being resisted may cause them to label the person many, many ways, with many, many negative labels of all kinds including "just being stubborn." We grant you this can be a problem both for a person themselves as well as those they interact with wanting some kind of change, and perhaps wanting to recruit them to be of help in some way but being resisted. So in a general sense, this is a highly subjective distinction depending on what is lost or gained by those involved. As by definition, these attributes describe a situation in flux where energy is involved both within a person themselves and an outside force or stimulus seeking a change of some kind. So this raises many, many issues and criteria regarding personal sovereignty, the inherent birthrights of free agency and free will, but yet the reality each person is the member of a human family, as well as a created extension of Creator’s consciousness, and inevitably has an entanglement with many, many other beings, and inherently some obligation to them as a duty to be a cooperative partner and ethically needing to assist at times with an enterprise or project of some kind for which they can contribute or may in fact be desperately needed to give assistance. Usually, issues of stubbornness and persistence, in the context of this discussion in particular, refer to sharp differences of opinion where it is not so clear that a call for help is being given, or a very important attempt to instruct a person about the error of their ways that could have serious implications is the reason for perturbing someone and pressuring them to give in to a different point of view than they hold and being called "stubborn" if they don’t. So indeed there are many instances where inner beliefs, inner standards of conduct, and perceptions of moral imperatives might make a person quite disinclined to join a movement, to engage in activities being promoted by others and wanting their involvement, when seen as causing harm and simply wanting to bow out. We would regard such a situation as an example of perseverance, sticking to one’s true self and their alignment with the divine rather than a stubborn refusal to accept the entreaties of others to join something seen as a kind of folly or worse. There are many, many nuances here of all kinds that can be categorized and described as being on either the plus side or the minus side of the ledger, so to speak, with respect to the relative merits to the individual versus the relative merits to the collective of humanity, and the latter is usually a subset being a group of friends or a life partner or a family or the workplace environment, for example, where there is a clash of wills and opinions. Each person must find their truth in how they wish to live, how they deploy their energy, who they align with and give their loyalty to, and so on. How strictly they stick to those predetermined standards is an aspect of perseverance that can be seen as stubbornness, particularly when it is out of date because circumstances may have changed. The assumptions being applied to justify inaction under persuasion or pressure might be based on a prior time where the choices were simpler and information lacking to understand the downside of ignoring a problem, or exaggerating through absence of the facts the benefits of holding a particular belief about something and ending up with a belief that is too categorical to contain flexibility for modifying the interpretation and meeting new conditions without an automatic knee-jerk denial based on faulty or incomplete knowledge and the beliefs they generate. Humans are far from perfect because their life journey is not complete. Everyone is a work in progress and everyone grows with depth and richness of character, as well as deeper and wiser accumulations of wisdom through life experience to inform the beliefs and the decision-making in response to outside influences. So these are the basic factors in play regarding this discussion—the level of sophistication, maturity, and wisdom as well as overall divine alignment based on the latter, and the progress in the soul journey, the sum total of life experience, as well as the karmic underpinnings that predetermine vulnerabilities to inner weakness, manipulation, prejudice, negative thinking, and many other liabilities.