DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlCan you give my client, who is a targeted individual, some guidance and reassurance about his safety going forward?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We do understand all you have gone through and that you are being sought with intent to harm and under attack repeatedly by those who are seeking to harm you. This creates problems for the divine realm, and going against human free will and free agency to protect someone is violating rules nonetheless. We cannot simply take them away and lock them up. That may be a human solution, if it can be arranged, that will give you relief, but we cannot be directly a party to leading anyone in such a fashion. But we are seeking your protection and doing so quite eloquently through healing many of the karmic underpinnings creating this dilemma in the first place. That is the greatest hope here, to dial this back and get you out from under the negativity that is seemingly relentless, directed your way. The healing work you have arranged through your collaboration here will be of great help to you and your family, both. We have your best interests at heart. We wish to help all who are being harmed by the darkness but can only do what is requested and then must work within the rules of engagement to shift things in a way that eventually will even uplift the perpetrators. So all, in the end, will gain and one side is not helped at the expense of the other, that is the folly of the original contest that has been underway here, that you are being picked on unfairly. So to simply switch that to the opposite direction ultimately would perpetuate the contest, and eventually would bring more harm than good because the pendulum would swing back in the other direction eventually, and you would be retargeted with a vengeance. So we are working to avoid that, to have things begin to die down and lessen in severity and frequency and eventually to take you off the radar, so to speak, of your opposition so they eventually leave you alone to be in peace—that is the goal here and we are doing everything we can to hasten that day. In the meantime, you will need to be vigilant. You can always reach out to us in prayer and ask for extra help, extra guidance, support, and healing as well as protection. You must stand strong, keep your guard up, and make your needs known directly again and again and again because that gives us the fuel to work with. We, in effect, are working for you, so you are the captain of the ship that is your life. You must make the requests, see to the needs on a day-to-day basis as best you can discern them and appeal to the divine directly without hesitation, and make clear your needs and desires—that is not improper or selfish, it is your birthright to partner with the divine and to be unassailable. We are working to restore things to bring your life back into that balance once again.